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Like Animated, but for statics!

Female Demons by Jeffrey H

Red Thunder Demoness. She should be based on this design but with red long hair.

Wind Demoness Garuda. She should be scary.

Jester Demoness
A female demon with a scythe that looks like a jester. Based on this design.

Liches by Deathmetalbard

Liches are always a fun staple of rpgs. The powerful undead mages are some of the best villains to throw at a party. With that in mind, let's have some interesting liches

Lord lich- this is a lich of a noble, regal clothing of ages past.

Lady lich- a woman who sold her soul to keep age from fully taking her.

Child lich- a child whose parents turned to lichdom in order to save their child from an early grave

Lich hound: man's best friend now an eternal undead protector and guardian of the crumble manor.

Golems 5 ( V ) by James Marion

Another round of Golems based off where the list left off I was thinking golems of other varieties should be addressed for any 3 of these - Muscle Golem, Skin Golem, Scale Golem, Hair Golem, Mud Golem, Dirt Golem, Seaweed Golem, Flower Golem, Clay Golem, Obsidian Golem. Brick Golem, Ember Golem, Ash Golem, Silver Golem, Tar Golem, Marble Golem, Cloud Golem, Coral Golem, Ice Golem, Water Golem, Vapor Golem, Sun Golem, Moon Golem, Cactus Golem, Sand Golem, Seashell Golem, Gold Golem, Malachite Golem, Mithril Golem, Jewel Golem, Snow Golem, Platinum Golem, Vine Golem, Eye Golem, Mirror Golem, Glass Golem, Crystal Golem, Cobblestone Golem, Spike Golem, Tooth & Claw Golem, Leaf Golem, Feather Golem, Slime Golem, Goblin Golem (Could be 3 goblins stacked on each others' shoulders), Steampunk Golem, Weapon Golem, Fabric Golem, Vomit Golem, Acid Golem, Organ Golem (the internal kind of organ), Electricity Golem (Golem filled with electricity in and around it. Its body is made of some sort of conductor), Rock Golem, Light Golem, Shadow Golem, Soap Golem, Earth Golem, Fire Golem, Wind Golem, Thunder Golem (A golem made of lightning instead of conducting it), Plasma Golem, Copper Golem (Partially corroded), Bronze Golem, Snake Golem, Pebble Golem, and Magma Golem.

Merozalghi Annointed by Eric Sprague

Tall, somewhat bulky, red-skinned bipedal creatures with uncannily long arms, an almost turtle-like carapace and a head reminiscent of a cross between a bear and a theropod dinosaur. Their heads are crowned with a ring of spines and their skin is covered with a patchy coat of quills. They have short but sharp claws, and humanoid grasping hands. The teeth are saw-edged and form a cutting ridge on the bottom and a series of triangular gripping and cutting teeth on top.

The elites among them also have flaps of webbing between their arms and legs that they can use to glide, and some of them also have four tentacles studded with hooks that curl out from under the edges of their carapace.

The rank-and-file Annointed soldier then wears bronze armor and carries a long spear. More senior Annointed may have other weapons or armor, favoring weapons that take advantage of strength and leverage.

Feral and Flying Monsters by KrimsonKatt

The first monster is a Silky, a monstrous, wicked, yet extremely small and kind of cute wind elemental fairy-like creature that creates fell winds that confuse and entrap it's foes. The second monster is a symphala, a man eating bird that is also wind elemental. The final monster is not a flying or wind elemental creature at all. Rather, it is a feral, furry, bipedal, semi-humanoid, goat like creature with glowing red eyes, goat faces, big furry cow ears, and a long white beard. They wear a collection of rags on their bodies as well as a blood-soaked cape. All of them dual wield pickaxes to attack. It's name? Slaughternaught. Here is an image of the slaughternaught: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sao-abridged/images/5/5c/Slaughternauts.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20220508135427

Undead Dragons By James Marion

These undead dragons will be Aekashics' design choices for the idea of Bone Dragon, Ghost Dragon, and Zombie Dragon. The only required item is that the Bone Dragon be all skeleton without things line blood or skin.

Elemental Phoenix by Jeffrey H.

The Phoenix is a bird that can be reborn from its own ashes. It’s a massive bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red fiery plumage. Its feathers seem to be ablaze or are on fire depends how Aekashics wants to design it.
Like this https://www.pinterest.com/pin/404-not-found--7248049374608307/
Ice phoenix
A more chill version of the phoenix
Lightning Phoenix

RPG Maker Heroes

Heroes inspired by Alex (RPG Maker XP and MZ), Ralph (RPG Maker VX Ace) and Harold (RPG Maker MV) with the Aekashics touch. Maybe one of them should have a offensive posture...

Wild Animals II By Link2020

A Bear, tiger and a black panther.

More Skeleton Warriors by Link2020

An assortment of skeleton warriors.

Science Bio Labs Equipment & Objects/ Bio Labs By Gianthurtball

1) Incubator with green liquid Rectangle Steel container filled with a glass front filled with green liquid. 2) Sci-fi door to be used as an enemy, for example, escaping from a lab by damaging the door. 3) A giant human heart tied up to a machine/computer.

Bizarre Monsters By KrimsonKatt

"A group of three bizarre monsters with wild designs that appeared from my dreams.

1: Motormouth. A raggedy steam-powered cyborg with a mechanical, steam-powered mouth and jaw. His body is mostly flesh and blood, the only mechanical parts being his super strong jaw and various pumps and exhausts coming out of his back. His eyes wild, bulging, and are pure black with glowing orange pupils. With how powerful Motormouth is, his mere presence can strike fear and terror into anyone nearby causing fits of delusion, panic, and insanity. His stance is lumbering and sort of hunch-backy, and his main attacks involving using his mechanical jaw to absolutely destroy foes, always dealing 99999 physical damage with his signature ""crunch"" art. When at low HP he begins charging up an attack called ""Tick-Tick-Boom"" for 3 turns. If those three turns expire Motormouth will explode creating a crater 1/3rd the size of the planet and prompting a non-standard game over. He will also use this move if the entire party falls to him in battle.

2: King Kill. A demon prince from the nightmare dimension. He appears as a demon with spiky teeth and his eyes and forehead wrapped in decaying bandages. His lower half is skeletal and chained to a coffin while 4 bat wings, two stretched outwards and two covering his lower half, reach out from his back. He is very bat-like in design, as he is the king of all bats. His main arts include pestilence which inflicts random status effects on all foes, bad breath which deals damage to 4 random foes while inflicting different status effects, malice which deals dark damage to all foes while making them weak to dark attacks for 2 turns, and the ever-infamous death spell which instantly kills all foes weak to dark. You'll need heavy dark and status resistance if you want to win this fight. Losing to him prompts a non standard game over where he sends you into an eternal nightmare. Here is some images for reference: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/anima.png https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/dracula_circle_of_the_moon_final_form.jpg

3: Wonder Wizard: A crazy old man wizard guy with rainbow sparkly robes, wielding a wacky wand covered in garish designs. His eyes have rainbows in them and he flails has arms wildly while screaming ""I am da wonder wizard! I gonna wiz all over u!"" as a form of intimidation. It doesn't work. His fight consists of using the strongest spells in the game (Arcfire, Arcfrost, Arcthunder, and Arcwind) based on what you're weak to while using mystic curse (lowers MP and MDF for all foes) to weaken your party. He also has a powerful status move called ""Wiz on You"" which inflicts every debuff onto one party member with a 30% chance to miss. Losing to him prompts a non standard game over where he turns your party into sentient toilets. Basicly this but rainbow and sparkly: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/crazy_wizard.jpg"

Raishins - dream eaters By Rodolfo Silva "

Ghost that roam the dimensions, kills its victims silently in the dead of night when they are sleeping.

Crimson Knight Battlers II By Metachaser

More Crimson Knight Battlers with a different variety of weapons or items being held

Bunny Girls Remake By KrimsonKatt

1: A bunny girl with brown hair and green eyes wearing a red bunny suit, red bunny ears, brown semi opaque tights, red shoulder length gloves, and red high heels. Weilds a elemental spear.2: A bunny girl with short blonde hair and blue ears wearing a blue bunny suit, blue bunny ears, white semi opaque tights, blue shoulder length gloves, and blue high heels. Weilds twin icy daggers. 3: A bunny gear with white hair tied in twintails wearing a black bunny suit, black bunny ears, black thigh high heeled boots, black shoulder length gloves, and weilds pink-colored chaotic magic.

Fantastic Giants By James Marion

This would include the three following Giants. NUMBER_1 Jotunn: these a wretched deformed frost giants that haunt the dreams of man and a terrible killers. The Jotun are nude except for cloth covering their privates. Jotun have silver skin and white hair. They have a giant bone for a club. Jotun come as male or female and this one happens to be female. NUMBER _2 Ettin: These are two headed green giants and are more muscular than skinny. They have two heads and often talk to one another. They have a brown leather tunic ripped off at the sleeves and beaten up pants, an outfit they force tailors to make or the tailors become a morsel. The Ettin carry a club that is a giant tree branch. One head has facial hair and no hair on top and the other head has hair on top and no facial hair. NUMBER_3 Eoten: These are giants that are handsome and wear clothes that look like of a commoner. The Eoten can return to normal size if he wants but he insists that giant was his normal size. He carries with him a large slender sword.

Owlbears! By ShinyBlueDragon

Large creatures with the body of a bear and the face of an owl, each owl bear should represent a different owl 1st. Snowy owl/bear (a true classic)https://www.pinterest.com/pin/373587731599416688/2nd. Great Horned owlbear https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1087971222455442706/and 3rd. Red Owl/Owlbear https://www.lovethispic.com/image/201579/madagascar-red-owl

Female Minotaur villagers By ShinyBlueDragon

3 different female themed minotaur, each must have a different color skin/pattern, outfit, and hairstyle. The minotaur shouldn't all be wielding weapons their villagers not warriors, so have 1 weild an axe. another a pot, or any other villager tool/object, and the same applies for the 3rd. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/12596073950229985/

Tauren chieftains By Rodolfo Silva

"A bipedal bulls, which walks around carrying a huge totem pole on its shoulders, capable of causing earthquakes when it hits the ground.


Its underside is a dark brown. Its paws are like a bull's. Legs with hair.

Upper part with a light brown tone.

Clamps in gray tone.

A belt in gray tone.

Hands with five fingers, like a human.

A yellow ring in the septum of her nose.

One of the horns broken in half.

Wooden totem, with old inscriptions in red.

Upper part with muscular appearance.

Evil face, furious look."

Ultimate Druid By Rodolfo Silva

"Guardian of forests and animals, he is the largest and strongest of his kind.

Reference: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/361273201359662565/"

Angry Sweets by CrisR82 by CrisR82

"You go to the store for a cake or some candy...but now they are going to fight back! Donuts, cakes, ice creams, chocolates... - this time THEY are out to eat YOU!"

Training dummies pt 2 By Deathmetalbard

"I really likes the wooden training dummies that were drawn and thought it would be cool to get more based on fantasy class tropes.

1) sword and shield

2) rapier and rogue cloak

3) funny hat and lute

Basically any class could be turned into a dummy for loads of fun!"

Fantasy Winged Cats! By ShinyBlueDragon

Cute and fluffy and with wings! 1st is a fire elemental winged cat this cat should represent a phoenix https://www.pinterest.com/pin/800374165031003913/2nd. Tuxido Water Griffon Cat https://www.pinterest.com/pin/512566001343158320/and 3rd is a Tabby Butterfly Cat https://www.pinterest.com/pin/11610911536974038/

Sentient Iron Maiden Suit By DecayingDev

Walking suit of armor , but each forward facing piece is unfolded outward, showing spikes lining the entire inside of the suit


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