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Need a biiit more time + What's completed

Hello everyone!

If you have been keeping up with my status updates on twitter (https://twitter.com/aekashics) You probably read I had been  planning to post the latest advancements I've been making today!

Well as the hour approaches and I still find myself requiring time to finish the last 2 battlers, I figured there was no point in posting one of those "Compilation" threads our community overall finds confusing just with statics, and instead I wanted to ask for a bit more patience (Around 3 more days I feel) So I can fully wrap up the April 2023 Battlers and its full releases I've been working on.

The designs, as we had been seeing up until a situation I'll explain in another paragraph, expand upon the now standard and stable quality peak of Librarium designs and personally I feel these are among my best works to date!

Void Demons

Elemental Priestesses (WIP)

Crystal Dragon Raindren

Valkyries II

Hell Abyss Manticore

-What happened-

As you all imagine, this situation wasn't what I was aiming for this month, and it certainly wouldn't have been the case, as the start of the month proved the usual steadiness in full releases, had it not been for situation starting around the 3rd or so, where a close family member required my full attention due to an urgent, private and very serious health matter.

Though at first the situation proved to allowed me to work at a reduced pace (which was around the time when I was slowly releasing Blight,  the Elemental guardians and the Valkyries II designs, some blog writings in the early posts reflect this situation as it was unfolding back then), eventually it got to the point where I literally didn't have the opportunity to do any progress until my family member's major recovery was achieved.  This would only happen until around the 20th, at which point I picked up at full pace and force and resumed to work on the pending designs you see above.

The Plan + what happens next

Basically, what happened during June was an extreme emergency, not the norm or me suddenly not caring about the work our community expects, as such, other than the extra days I mentioned at the start of the post, the plan is to retake what should have been the plan for June's progress, I know things look suuuuper behind, but I'm actually confident as the emergency is now sorted out and I've been working at a steady pace since then, battlers like the ones completed and shown here don't get done in a rushed single night grind so you can be certain that work is being done as. At the start of june the idea was to start with a 2 month delay (which was in turn caused by getting used to switching to the Full release format again, but with a looot higher quality than at the time when doing one full release per day was possible), and grind through all of June to catch up on that delay, and then address the backlog of releases which are also missing assets from the "Compilation megathreads" format. After the 3 days I need to complete all the pending April stuff, We will effectively be back at that 2 month delay, and I think we can basically retake what was meant to be the plan for this month, during July.

All aside I hope you are liking these new designs! lately I really feel I've found my style as an artist, the one I've been working towards for years, and which I felt has the quality your projects and ideas deserve, As always I appreciate your patience and I hope the quality in the designs themselves does reflect my commitment to create the assets you expect.

Thank you



Jeffrey H

I’m glad that your family member is better now, and I send my best wishes for your family’s good health. The wait is worth it as the quality of the designs is fantastic and neat. Thanks for your hard work. The void demons are so cool!!!!

James Marion

WOW this is great wasn't expecting to looks this way, great job.