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I noticed some of you guys liked his design and he has been around in the Librarium collection for a while, so I figured he was a fitting last pick for the animated god battlers!

I wanted to wrap up that series so we can move on to discuss how we will approach the next wave of animated battlers, but let's leave that for tomorrow!

Tomorrow, the last day of the month, will see the release of the colossal creatures weeklies and this animated god!

I will send out the rewards for these monsters and then we will have that talk on where to take the Librarium animated battlers next!

In the meantime, enjoy a video preview of novus in his Animated glory!



Uploaded by Akashics on 2017-02-28.



How did you know! This dude was my favorite and now you made him animated! You're a great artist!


Just saw that last attack, amazing! fits him great!


Perfect choice :D awesome work as always!!


Thanks for the kind words! And it's great to hear there was a lot of interest for this one in particular!