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But perhaps until tomorrow for the sake of a quality release!

Unfortunately I've been having some major issues with my animation Software which felt it would be cute to crash and corrupt my files multiple times, plus some serous effort going into quality control and detail for this battler once animated (She's about 16 individual parts! 4 different heads and 3 different arms haha).  Because of that (although mainly because of Spine crashing and self destroying lol) I've suffered some delayse, but at least I'll share you you all a thumbnail of how she looks! Meshes well with all other Librarium battlers right?

Apologies for the delay with this one! I'll try my best to have this released either by tonight or tomorrow morning!




No worries on the delay! Best of luck fighting with your software @.@


I like her and her flaming sword. The headdress gives her an oriental feel at least to me. Is she a bit of a take on thesun goddess Amaterasu?


Sorry to hear about the delays, software crashing is definitely the worst, have you updated to the latest version?


I have! there are always some pesky bugs built into spine, but its still worth it I guess haha.


Exactly Darkstar! As with most other gods I went for a design which would feel like that role, without directly being that role!


A shame D:, maybe I'll have to make sure no to update it for awhile if I need to use it again lol ^^; Hopefully it's something they can hotfix a.s.a.p. Doesn't sound normal for it to crash that often, though I haven't needed to swap parts like that in my projects.


Well if you're curious it happened as I was keying slots within bones, if I key'd an attachment and then the bone, rather than using the keys in the transform grid, it would crash, and once, it corrupted the file. Suuuuper weird!


Eeep D: yeah. Thanks at least for sharing that info, I'll make sure to be careful if I ever use anything like that