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Below you will be able to vote for the Librarium Animated picks for the April 2023 update cycles!

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1. Canine/anthro By Shiriyuki

Anthropomorphic canine animated batterers and sprites, I'd even commission you directions for a set. Or for 6 characters

2. Hell Abyss manticore by shinyBlueDragon

A very large hellion Manticore head of a lion, horns and wings of a dragon, tail of a scorpion, This beast has an void black body with a shinning purpleish/blue pattern, an fiery black main and breaths flames of purple.https://www.pinterest.com/pin/794533559274286676/

3. Lady Sphinx by shinyBlueDragon

Lady Sphinx is an Egyptian Mythological creature https://www.pinterest.com/pin/510314201518802694/

4. Dragon Crystal Titian Raindren! By shinyBlueDragon

A GIANT two headed dragon titian adorned in beautiful crystals, this dragon walks on all fours but stands on two when in battle-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/585327282837538172/

5. NovaStar the Try Element Deity!  By shinyBlueDragon

A Massive Divine God with the heads representing different creatures, Main head of an owl, Nature head of a wolf, shadow of a dragon, water of a griffon, and fire of a serpent or Cobra-->refhttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/594053007120680761/

6. Osventios The Dragon God Of Origiins! By shinyBlueDragon

A Massive space dragon of Origins, a creator of stars, all knowing & all powerful!-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/16255248647680232/

7. Prism Midoria (Space Dragon) by shinyBlueDragon

A Giant gorgeous space dragon-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/227431849923683158/

8. Xiao Guarian of the Crystalline Forest! By shinyBlueDragon

A Large Guardian creature-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/19984792089095383/

9. Blight , Lord of Corruption By ModernerDadaismus by Sabert25 Nachname

"The Lord who is reasonable for the corruption of living being and so therefore aswell for the ""Corrupted Creatures"" Monster Archetype.

His Sword is a Two-Handed Weapon, which is the origin of his power.

Its an Ancient Artifact which is overcoming the holder with pure dark power.

With the time, and circumstances of giving in his will in this power and letting his rage freely come out, he will turn more and more dark and demonlike, until he is completely comsupt by it, so he is no more a human being at the end.

His one Eye has gained more ocular power, where he has sight on every living beings bloodstream.

In the middle of his Chest, lies the core of his energy, replacing his heart with a more powerfull source.

Its also the core of the power of his bloodmagic.

His Bloodmagic is the most danagerous part of him.

He can use his own blood to infuse it with magic force to use it as an explosive bloodwave.

He can also drain his opponents blood to strengthen himself and to even turn weaker opponents dread.

His Residence is a Gothic style Castle, where he leads his wicked politics around his subjugates, which are manipulated, some even controlled since their mind gets supressed trough an corrumpting chemical magic substance (pulsating dark energy) running trough their blood. This Substance is containing drips of his blood, which is the explanation of the corruption. Creatures are used as Thralls, Guards and Pets, People are used to serve his reign of terror where some get certain important positions.

In his Castle, there are reagent capsules, to inject this substance to living beings to change them up into currupted beings.

The plan of Blight, the Lord of Corruption, is to get as powerful as possible, to overcome and to rule the whole world under his reign of terror and to turn it into a realm of everlasting destruction.

Reference Picture: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/1025624515119085989/

This Picture is representing him exactly like he should look in detail."

10. Dragon Emperor Bahamut - Human by lunarrabbot

"Slender, tall man with scale armor, dragon wings, horns and a thick tail. Not anthropomorphic. Long dark hair and floating. Dragon based on FF's bahamut. Similar to these:




Special Attacks:

>Dark Energy Blast - mouth laser like a shinku hadoken

[ https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelvscapcom/images/5/5f/Akuma-gks.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/390?cb=20110908182908 ]

>Dark Fireballs - multiple fireballs rain down upon the party

>Flying Spear Rush - Rushes towards single opponent from the skies with their spear facing straight at them at high velocity

>AOE Tail Swipe - spins around using both tail and spear to attack all

>Normal attack is just stabs with spear like Seymour Flux in FFX."

11. Ascended Takeda by Skymin

Ascended Takeda: A samurai clad in silver armor with black outlines throughout. Think a samurai version of Silver Rathalos armor from Monster Hunter complete with a silver and black armor and Kanata blade. Daimyo of the Kai Providence, this samurai can be considered a fighting ally of the Ascended Daimyo similar to "Sir Gawain" was to "King Arthur" animated battler. So he'd have a similar build and katana fighting style as the recent Daimyo Samurai, but would have a plain red scarf and belt to serve as a reminder this samurai doesn't serve any one banner but whoever is the highest bidder. Would sword swipe, thrust and slam downward. If possible a fourth special attack could sheath the blade and quickly let it out for a counter strike.

12. Legendary Knight King Archial by ryf

King Archial also is in need for an update. In my mind instead of being a malevolent king, King Archial instead fell for a trap that corrupted him and the legendary knights. In this upgraded version, King Archial wears a rich, royal red cape to signify breaking free from the purple-cursed version of him. Could have two face / versions with or without his helmet. As leader of the legendary knights I would like to use him more as a talking face but a helmet-version could keep his initial design otherwise.

13. Boss Valkyrie with Bow and Arrow by Metachaser

Animated Boss Valkyrie who has a Bow and Arrows made of light. Shoots the Arrows.

14. The Bloop! By ShinyBlueDragon

A Giant Whale Clossassi! ref1-->https://blenderartists.org/t/the-bloop/1415654 & ref 2-->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hedUAqopPBg

15. El Gran Maja! By Shinybluedragon

A massive aquatic/alien Clossassi! ref1-->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mCDyzQTD5I & ref2-->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hedUAqopPBg

16. Mothman by Catpricorn Studios

Inspired by the Mothman cryptid, I think a six limbed Mothman with red eyes could be cool. Perhaps a more exotic form of moth would be the best way to go about it to make it feel a bit more unique than a dark palette one.

17. The Headless Horsewoman by KrimsonKatt

A headless princess-type character riding on a demonic horse. Her dress is black with neon green parts and is very sparkly and shiny. It is a princess dress with a middle opening similar to celine's dress in Fire Emblem Engage. She weilds an axe blazing with green fire raised above her head, ready to strike. Her skin is pale as snow and as stated she is completely without a head..Maybe her actual head can float nearby with green fire surrounding it? If so, her hair would be black and her eyes would be pitch black with glowing green pupils, though I would prefer if her eyes were closed. She has very full lips.

18. The Child of Thunder by KrimsonKatt

A electric fetus-like monster floating within a ball of electricity.

19. Predatory Animal Grizzly by DEwards

A Gnoll Boss

20. Legendary Knight Michael by Ryf

Michael hasn't had an update since 2018 and I think it's his turn to get the upgraded graphics. Following the likes of Sen and Serat, instead of a purple undertone Michael could have a new red undertone in his armour for his upgraded look.

21. Abraxas, the Demon Prince of Betrayal by KrimsonKatt

Once the son of Archsage Amadeus, the strongest magick user ever,Aaron Crowe was an incredibly talented wizard with a bright future ahead for him. However, Aaron in his teenage years became fascinated with black magick and demonkind, and slowly was corrupted by their influence. Eventually, Amadeus confronted his son about this, but Aaron ran away with the forbidden grimoire Ars Goetia, a demonic tome that was once used by the fell dragon Adonis himself that contained countless knowledge on demonic blood rituals, human sacrifice, mind control, summoning and controlling demons, world-endangering hexes, and most worrying of all a spell to transform one's self into a demon. Amadeus chased after his son but could never find him. That is because Aaron fled to the Abyss, realm of demons, and used the spell to transform himself into a demon, the demon price Abraxas, lord of betrayal. Next thing Amadeus knew, his own son was leading a demon-worshiping cult that sought to resurrect the archfiends, the neigh-unstoppable demon kings who if unleashed at full power would easily bring ruin to their entire universe. Abraxas appears as a adult man with short spiky scarlet hair and red eyes. Crimson spiked horns extend from his skull and his skin is a pale white while also possessing long elf-like ears. He wears a highly advanced semi-mechanical blood knight armor with 4 wings made out of blood. His hands are filled with demonic blue fire as he readies a powerful spell. He floats about 2 feet off the ground to show his superiority and his laziness. Despite being a powerful demon, he has an incredibly fragile ego and bursts into a fiery rage when he ego is broken. Due to this, he is surprisingly easy to defeat by an experienced spellcaster such as Amadeus, who successfully banished his son to the abyss and sealed his powers after his defeat.

22. Maoth the Child of Chaos by KrimsonKatt

A young girl wearing blue overalls and a orangeish-yellow shirt pulsing with pink-colored chaotic energy. She possesses short orange hair and golden eyes, and is an incredibly powerful chaos witch in spite of her age. She also possesses a single black wing marking her status as a higher being and is a member of the devious Tzga Order which seeks to corrupt all worlds using chaos magick, a secret type of magick involving physical transformations and cognitive alterations.

23. Xoer the Unbound  By Fyoha

Xoer has decided to break the curse that binds him to the Legendary Knight, Michael, and be a free entity of pure darkness once again. He must be stopped before he regains his full power or possibly find refuge within new vessel!

24. Angry Sweets by CrisR82

"You go to the store for a cake or some candy...but now they are going to fight back! Donuts, cakes, ice creams, chocolates... - this time THEY are out to eat YOU!"

25. Gorgon, Stone Maker Bovine by James Marion
This is the bull version and not the Medusa version. It's attack is supposed to turn people to stone. It looks like a bull on steroids with bat wings, details on the color to come. It has a body and head that is a quite low saturated in color and is medium bright the hue with the hue being a green-blue. It has big bat wings where on the back of the wings are red as are the special bone lines on the front of the wings are red. Its wing's bottom is a deep rich blue that is not the solid red (color of back of the wings and the wing bone lines in the front/bottom of the wings). It has hooves that are orange-red much closer to red than orange. It also has deep-red bull horns. Its eyes are bright-red without eye circles inside the eye red but instead where the entire eye slots are bright red. The mouth inside is of a bright-red. Its fluff on the back of the bull tail is black instead of the muted-medium blue-green.


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