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With the one week polling period concluded, our community as a whole has been very vocal regarding how it wants to visualize and download Librarium assets, so starting tomorrow you will start seeing organized individual full releases again, 

This time around we'll be shooting for 6 of them per week initially (One every day, with a 1 day margin in case something happens) It will be a bit of a learning period as the person helping me out now with the packaging and formatting and I get into proper sync, but ultimately this will be the key difference from any approach before it, we're actually aiming to increase that amount gradually, but one per day for 6 days of the week seems like a good start point while we reach that point of efficiency.

We will start these full releases in backwards fashion with the latest month content as we get in the flow. I still remain in a more hands-on approach than theorizing how things will play out, so what's important right now is that you will keep seeing the continuous flow of assets, but once again in the full release format outlined in the thread. Along that we will be tackling the issue with the outdated master threads, which were being left without update back then with the idea of updating them once the megacompilation threads had been completed,  we will be going through the private message inbox, and start the effort to compile a new database sheet of sorts to organize all the links so that they don't get lost inthe master batch threads nor the patreon feed, and we will also be launching the polls for the April Battlers!

all in all, expect to see a lot of movement around here this week, but most importantly, a lot of assets!

I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to voice your concerns and thoughts, you are the blood of this community and Librarium, thanks for your support and patience through all of this!

Stay tuned!



Thanks for the update and being transparent with the process moving forward. Onwards and upwards! :)


thank you for being open to the ideas and discussions about how you dole out the assets. Its nice to know that no matter how frustrated we might get... you are always willing to listen.


I evolve and create for our community so of course your voices matter here! Thanks for your patience :)