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First of all thanks to everyone who submitted ideas for this poll through our suggestion box! Thanks to Darkstar, Sparkbomber,  Anthony, Gabriele, Cats, Riceman, Kairus and Sarah!

If you would like to get a better idea of the creatures these packs would contain check out their descriptions in the suggestion box !

Regarding our animated battlers, this month we finally conclued the Animated God Battlers and the Avians! Some time during the month we'll plan how to approach the next wave of animated battlers! (Right now my ideas are either making the animated battler a boss tier battler related to one of the featured weeklies of each cycle OR start creating an animated roster of common creatures and also animating previously static monsters already existing in Librarium for that end as well)

Regardless let's save that discussion for later since I got something huge coming for everyone interested in the animated battlers, as well as an extra new perk which I'm sure everyone currently supporting the Dragon tier rewards will absolutely love!

More talk on that in the upcoming weeks!



Oo either concept for the animated battlers would be great! Common creatures would be helpful to a lot of people, but I also really like the "boss" tier idea. Either way, I'm excited to see what's available :3


Looking forward to boss tier at some point, but I had to vote for legendary knights. More the better! Armored mages with lightning encased fists, knightly priests with blunt weapons about to strike, dark knights with blood spattered glowing rune swords, huge armored earth knights with squared off granite swords and tower shields, imperial knights with blue flowing cloaks.


Yeah I agree with you, Legendary Knights is the way to go! You made them sound way better than I was thinking russell. I voted for Legendary Knights I want to see them too! I know Aekashics would have some great ideas!