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Edit #4

Moonixis now added! with her the February 2023 Designs are complete and wrapped up!

Like all the other battlers Moonixis was quite challenging so I spent a while getting her right, I hope you will be happy with the result!

Download her today!

With this release we will wrap up the March 2023 releases! I had a few personal situations in the past two weeks but it didn't impact our planned releases for the month, as we also advanced all the way to November 2022 when it came to 4dir map sprites!

Tomorrow the map sprite effort will resume, along the production of the March winning battler picks, please stay tuned for more Librarium content as usual!

Thanks for your support!



I have been hard at work with 4-direction map sprites, in case you haven't received Email notifications, so far this week ten new 4-dir map sprites have been produced and published, and today another 4 will be released! I've been trying to keep up with my self established goal of 2 map sprites per day and so far it's been met, lets keep it up!

On the other hand however I can't neglect the creation of the winner picks for the February 2023 battlers, so I will also start to post them and have them up and online as soon as they are created, here are the first 3, Corrupted Creatures as suggested by ShinyBlueDragon!

As usual to the new quality standards these battlers are highly detailed, so you can play around with their sizes and they can easily be used as bosses or minions!

I will update this thread with the PSD files for these battlers over the weekend as well, please look forward to that!




These designs look sick!

Blue Dragon

those are the blue whale, fire dragon, and Giant butterfly correct?


It's hard to say, more design details make the monster look more like a dark style RPG game.

James Marion

I really hope for walking sprites of these bad boys


They are coming! https://twitter.com/aekashics/status/1636444487672053771?s=20 first working on the November 2022 batch, the golems's turn at last!

Lunar Rabbot

Your quality of work is amazing! I would pay 4x as much as I am now(and I haven't downloaded anything here in months) for the highest tier. The rate that you put these out far surpasses what other artists/animators do. Keep up the good work, but don't burn out or end up in the hospital from overwork please!


Thanks Lunar! I appreciate it :) I only sort of slowed down again a bit since thursday due to some extreme real life events, but we're back at it now!


Any idea when some new stuff will be coming out? Just started out and loving the content! Keep up the


good work lol**


Im currently pumping out new stuff on a semi daily basis, catching up on some older stuff before I can organize everything again!\


Ahh I'm new to patreon is there something I have to do to make things pop up? It's been showing the same post for like 3 weeks for me. Or are you meaning your working on it and releasing it later?


oh its the same posts because I've been updating them instead of creating new threads every time a new release is made, as part of the focus effort on drawing and animating the required assets!


your game materials are really cool!