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Same description as the Librarium Animated polls, but for static picks!

MakerVerse of Madness Heroes by Ryf

A collection of RPG Maker's most well known heroes such as Reid (MZ), Harold (MV), Ralph (VX), Eric (VX Ace) and Alex (2k) in your style (or off-brand versions of them if you're not comfortable using the characters as is).

Fire & Ice Monsters by KrimsonKatt

A group of three monsters, one ice elemental and the other 2 fire elemental. The first monster is a Frozen Shade, a icy female ghost/spirit that haunts ice caverns in the far north of the world. Is very clearly ice elemental and is less humanoid and more "simple" in her design if you get what I mean. The second enemy is the Fire Djinni, a fire-elemental male djinn/genie who breaths fire. He is quite rotound and is covered in flames. Looks sort of like this boss from Kingdom Hearts 2: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/4/47/VolcanicLord.png/revision/latest?cb=20110824050511. The third and final enemy is a molten giant, a collection of magma and obsidian in the shape of a golem who attacks with it's fiery fists. Is less humanoid and much more golem-like. There is also an organic element to it, so be free to imagine whatever that may be.

Bunny Girls Remake by KrimsonKatt

1: A bunny girl with brown hair and green eyes wearing a red bunny suit, red bunny ears, brown semi opaque tights, red shoulder length gloves, and red high heels. Weilds a elemental spear.

2: A bunny girl with short blonde hair and blue ears wearing a blue bunny suit, blue bunny ears, white semi opaque tights, blue shoulder length gloves, and blue high heels. Weilds twin icy daggers.

3: A bunny gear with white hair tied in twintails wearing a black bunny suit, black bunny ears, black thigh high heeled boots, black shoulder length gloves, and weilds pink-colored chaotic magic.

Feral and Flying Monsters by KrimsonKatt

The first monster is a Silky, a monstrous, wicked, yet extremely small and kind of cute wind elemental fairy-like creature that creates fell winds that confuse and entrap it's foes. The second monster is a symphala, a man eating bird that is also wind elemental. The final monster is not a flying or wind elemental creature at all. Rather, it is a feral, furry, bipedal, semi-humanoid, goat like creature with glowing red eyes, goat faces, big furry cow ears, and a long white beard. They wear a collection of rags on their bodies as well as a blood-soaked cape. All of them dual wield pickaxes to attack. It's name? Slaughternaught. Here is an image of the slaughternaught: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sao-abridged/images/5/5c/Slaughternauts.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20220508135427

Tauren chieftains by Rodolfo Silva

A bipedal bulls, which walks around carrying a huge totem pole on its shoulders, capable of causing earthquakes when it hits the ground.


Its underside is a dark brown. Its paws are like a bull's. Legs with hair.
Upper part with a light brown tone.
Clamps in gray tone.
A belt in gray tone.
Hands with five fingers, like a human.
A yellow ring in the septum of her nose.
One of the horns broken in half.
Wooden totem, with old inscriptions in red.
Upper part with muscular appearance.
Evil face, furious look.

Alien Herbivore Creatures by BlueDragon

Description: 1st on the list is a Giant Guardian Stag a massive Stag that protects the forest--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/155303887401864426/ 2nd is a Oxatax a mixture between a moose, and ox--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/593419688413410003/ and 3rd is aTewe a mix between a Ewe and turtle --https://www.pinterest.com/pin/289004501099247879/

Mermaid beast riders part 1 by BlueDragon

How about some mermaid warriors mounted on sea creatures? 1st one should be mounted on a dolphin (a true classic) 2nd on a shark, and 3rd on an Orca whale! each warrior should hold a different weapon.

Bird Griffons I by BlueDragon

You know Griffons, but instead of the head on an eagle have the head of different types of birds, the griffons need to be beautiful, and big enough to be saddled up by human riders!
1st Cockatoo: white and fluffy with angelic wings! https://www.deviantart.com/noctualis/art/NEW-YOUTUBE-VIDEO-797091219
2nd Blue Jay: This griffon should have more icy cold colors and features, maybe add a gem beak, clawz, and talons?
3rd Owl Griffon: Body of a snow leopard, and the head of an owl (you can pick from either a snow owl, or an Eurasian Eagle owl!)https://www.deviantart.com/nukerooster/art/High-Cliffs-and-Snow-Drifts-601631213

Folk Monsters by DeathMetalbard

My suggestion, much like cryptids and other tall tale style monsters is to really monsterify those descriptions to let them fit into a fantasy rpg or even a urban fantasy horror rpg.

creatures like the Jackalope- a rabbit with antlers on its head, often said to have some power of lightning https://www.legendsofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Jackalopepc.jpg

the Chupacabra- canine blood sucking shadow dog with a sharp and wild tongue https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c015e5d3-dfe3-4e11-ae5b-24cfd99d73d3/d6r1hs6-5a1f3984-f18c-432c-ba8b-334c5fbe27b9.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_751,q_75,strp/chupacabra_by_larimardragon-d6r1hs6.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9jMDE1ZTVkMy1kZmUzLTRlMTEtYWU1Yi0yNGNmZDk5ZDczZDMvZDZyMWhzNi01YTFmMzk4NC1mMThjLTQzMmMtYmE4Yi0zMzRjNWZiZTI3YjkuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzUxIn1dXX0.RAdRMQirbfZBq4H6Faf60J5FW523TiBEsiGORlNJ6aM

The Hodag- a spiked monster that eats trees and lumberjacks https://11pt5z46nuudt9qxx2knwgff-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/hodag-759x500.jpg

Feejee mermaid- A cursed mermaid that like a siren can seduce any man, but consumes their heart to keep it's eternal beauty that fades every night.


Undead Dragons by James Marion

These undead dragons will be Aekashics' design choices for the idea of Bone Dragon, Ghost Dragon, and Zombie Dragon. The only required item is that the Bone Dragon be all skeleton without things line blood or skin.

Fallen Shogunate by Fyoha

Ghostly, ethereal humanoids that once served the last shogun are now summoned back to life to fight at the caster's will. Dark and light teal colors are preferred for primary color scheme.

Samurai Wraith:
A heavy armored wraith with a full kabuto/menpo and a large nodachi for a weapon.

Ashigaru Wraith:
A medium armored wraith with a naginata for a weapon and a tattered war banner on the back (no emblem needed).

Straw-hat Wraith:
A lightly armored wraith in a wretched kimono with a standard katana for a weapon.

More Corrupted Legendary Knights by Ariadne

Title basically. Ansellus, Archial, and Dalton would be cool but I'm also not picky, any of them would be awesome

Fantastic Giants by James Marion

This would include the three following Giants. NUMBER_1 Jotunn: these a wretched deformed frost giants that haunt the dreams of man and a terrible killers. The Jotun are nude except for cloth covering their privates. Jotun have silver skin and white hair. They have a giant bone for a club. Jotun come as male or female and this one happens to be female. NUMBER _2 Ettin: These are two headed green giants and are more muscular than skinny. They have two heads and often talk to one another. They have a brown leather tunic ripped off at the sleeves and beaten up pants, an outfit they force tailors to make or the tailors become a morsel. The Ettin carry a club that is a giant tree branch. One head has facial hair and no hair on top and the other head has hair on top and no facial hair. NUMBER_3 Eoten: These are giants that are handsome and wear clothes that look like of a commoner. The Eoten can return to normal size if he wants but he insists that giant was his normal size. He carries with him a large slender sword.

Bandits by Cryswar

Generic bandits, the mainstay of every earlygame fantasy adventure! Could have a few variants, with daggers/dual daggers, swords, bows, maybe spears. Maybe throwing knives? I'm probably missing an archetype.

Science Bio Labs Equipment & Objects/ Bio Labs By Gianthurtball

1) Incubator with green liquid Rectangle Steel container filled with a glass front filled with green liquid

2) Sci-fi door to be used as an enemy, for example, escaping from a lab by damaging the door

3) A giant human heart tied up to a machine/computer

Angry Sweets by CrisR82

"You go to the store for a cake or some candy...but now they are going to fight back! Donuts, cakes, ice creams, chocolates... - this time THEY are out to eat YOU!"


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