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Hello everyone!

In case you did not get an email notification, the last 3 pending  4-dir map sprites for the January  releases have been completed and published and you can grab them today over the release thread!


Now with that announced, let's move on to the next topic!

I would like to apologize for the organizational mess Librarium has been recently and putting up with it  so far!

In my recent effort to increase and then stabilize the style and quality (and mantain the quantity) of both our battler designs and map sprites, I forced a sacrifice upon our community which resulted in the navigational and organizational aspect of Librarium becoming neglected and as a result a bit of a nightmare, I haven't been able to answer many private messages I have been receiving, and I also haven't been able to update repository threads and return to organized releases. 

Well,  I got some excellent news!

Now that the goal in terms of quality improvement has been reached as the latest releases in all fronts show, it is time for that patience in dealing with the neglected organizational side of Librarium you have dealt with so far,  to pay off big time!

There is one thing holding me back from doing a full revamp and re-organization of Librarium's download and distribution schemes right now, and that is;

Completing the backlog of pending assets that I also had to temporarily delay a bit due to the quality increase quest.

We are now at a perfect position to remedy this. For this end this month I will be tackling a very aggressive strategy :

-I will be completing and releasing an average of 2 four directional map sprites for the rest of March, derived from the pool of the extensive backlog of pending assets.

These still will also be contained to a single "mega" thread, so I request that you just hang in there just a litttle bit further as these 4-dir map sprites get powered through (And they WILL be powered through), once we're at the stage where we're no dragging behind pending content I'll organize all the downloads properly so that downloading and browsing is no longer a nightmare just like before, but now with the added benefit of assets of much superior quality!

Once again I apologize for being super duper slow at answering private messages right now, I promise I will gradually remedy that this month as well as I work through this strategy and it won't be the case anymore in the future!

As always, thanks for your patience so far! I promise, and as the latest assets released proved, that it will definitely be rewarded!

Please look forward to the  continued flow of Librarium assets!

Like I've been mentioning in recent posts, you can get real time updates of Librarium assets as they get completed over at my twitter (They are contained to tweets to avoid an email notification flood over here at patreon)

You don't need to follow me or have an account to browse it, and it is the best way to see what I'm about to release and where we are at, with essentially daily updates!


March will be a month with a ton of work so might as well get to it!




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