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The pending 3 map sprites have been added and completed! A followup post outlining announcements and strategies for Librarium will follow up shortly!

Grab these in the updated zip in the attachment section today!


Hello! I promised this month that we would start seeing a lot of movement in the realm of 4-direction map sprites and I intend to deliver!

We start off with 13 Map sprites corresponding to the January 2023 designs, and I intend to complete the remaining 3 within the next hours, but I don't want to end up posting what's already done until midnight as usual, so might as well do it now!

You will notice a quality increase in this map sprites,that is because these, like the illustrated HD designs, I'm applying the knowledge I have acquired in recent times and also went through a process revamp period to figure out ways to achieve these new visual upgrades and keep their production at a good pace, this quality will be the 4-direction map sprite quality moving forward and for all pending 4-dirs coming after this!

In cases of extended radio silence periods here on patreon, you can browse my twitter to see the Librarium Work I'm in the process of making, pretty much in real time and pretty much daily updated! You don't need to follow me or even have an account for this, but it's a nice fast way to see what's going on :)


As for what is coming next, I will continue working on 4-direction map sprites to catch up with many of the pending ones from last year, now that we are on the pixel art mood, so you can continue expecting dozes of them!

Thanks for your patience and continued support, please continue to look forward to high quality assets, you're the ones who make all this possible!



Regeta Brown

very cool! great job!


Are FV Sprites missing from 1.4 in the works?


Yes , I will get to them *very* soon, they are not forgotten nor discarded , and will benefit from this high quality, thanks for being so patient with them so far !


The Greek heroes are quite possibly some of my most favourite sprites! They definitely have that "Main Character" appearance to them!


Hey Aekashics, just letting you know I sent you a message on discord in regards to the Dragon Slayer design to be more clear.


really cool. Looks amazing. Can i use this too in my commercial project? : )


Feel free to add some more like them in the suggestion box! Im shooting to launch the march polls tomorrow :)

James Marion

answers my question


I think i replied to all of them in your other comments :o what was not answered yet ?


thank you so much. I work on a big project 2 games. one of them is ready but


Updates are very confusing now, previously they are sent to my inbox, now am I supposed to read all the threads and download them manually, I sent you a message no reply since start of Feb. I'm trying find all the monsters in this pack and I cant find the models scrolling around for 10 mins because all the releases are all over the place. Can you compile them and send directly to the inbox like previously thanks


Hello Leon! I was about to make a post regarding this and the immediate strategy I already have started to put in practice, firstly I apologize, in my recent effort to up the quality of both the battlers and the map sprites to the quality and quantity we have now, I had to force a sacrifice on the organizational and distribution aspect of the assets over our community, which resulted in delays, a growing backlog of private messages I need to get back to,and the confusing layout and the lack of organization to browse and download we see right now, I want to request to just hang in there a little longer, now that we have reached this pinnacle of quality, style and quantity, I need to apply it towards a focused effort to create all the pending assets, which I plan to attend to this month, once all the assets that are supposed to exist, come to exist, I can then start polishing the organizational aspect once again, in coming days you will see a lot of content still flowing, primarily 4-dir map sprites, and by the end of the month you have my word you will see that browsing and downloading won't be a nightmare anymore, just like before, now with the added perk of assets of much more professional quality, thanks for your patience so far!


when is this supposed to happen cause i agree this is way to confusing. i love your stuff but this system is not working.


It's already happening as you can see with the amount of Sprites and battlers released during March, and the ones you will continue to see this month, hopefully we can actually catch up on that lagged content this month and ditch this system entirely by May/June? It is definitely also ideal for me to go back to individual posts as soon as possible, and there's definitely been massive steps towards that effort on my behalf and I remain committed to it, I apologize for the temporary inconvenience :(!