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Its time for our February polls, I apologize for the delay in these, the January battler batch had a lot of complex designs which ate up more time than I had hoped, but I think I also arrived at a new insight phase to produce them at that quality much faster in the future!

Regardless, Lets vote! these battlers will definitely be be made and released in March as I am powering through a lot of 4-direction Map sprites at the moment, so its okay for these polls to run until the end of this month!

Dragon Slayer Moonixis by Skymin

A women almost completely covered in black armor with blue outlines throughout with a dragonstyled helmet and long silver hair that can fool people into thinking it's just a cape instead. The overall design is largely similar to "God Slayer Knoll" except this warrior is so intent on slaying dragons, their own armor resembles one complete with a dragon tail attached to the back that can be moveable. She would use a light and dark dagger to dual wield as well. Attacks with both daggers swiping in a X style, both upon thursting and finally a tail strike where the tail itself streches to pierce the opponent.

The GodKiller by William Richard

The idea is to design a vengeful hero based on the brutal Kratos. Some ideas to orientate the design : male, bare-chested, beard, long blond hair (to be different), visible birthmark on all the body, agressive posture and the famous blades of Chaos as weapons.

Astalov, the psychopomp by SiGxGiS

Psychopomps (from the Greek word ψυχοπομπός, psychopompós, literally meaning the 'guide of souls') are supernatural creatures whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply to guide them.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopomp)

Astalov was selected by the grim reaper to be the next successor of highly respected psychopomps many, many centuries ago.

He can’t remember his former live as a living-being but judging by his many scars on his body, and the big one on his face, it must have been not very good.

Astalov likes his job and is in good terms with the current grim reaper with which he always plays chest in their free-time.

Despite hating violence, he is a skilled martial artist and uses his soul-guiding-staff like a battle staff ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C5%8D) to knock out uncooparating souls or he can summon friendly souls from his soul-lamp to bind and demorale his ‘victims’.


Astalov has short grey hair and grey eyes.

He wears a green-red  kung fu suit, a black cape with a golden medallion and black shoes.

A big x-shaped scar covers his face."

Centurion by Metachaser

Ancient Roman centurion with a large rectangular shield and a sword

Coordinator M or F by John McNemar III

Coordinator's look:


Coordinators are the NPCs in the sample project and can get some more usage and life if animated battlers for them are created

Oldanor, the Amerindian Warrior by William Richard

Oldanor is the chosen one by the Indians Tribes of Kikyli to protect the Temple from the grunts of Chaos Order. A typical amerindian warrior with two tomahawks, tribal paints on his naked torso, an indian headdress with magical feathers and a dreamcatcher collar. His attacks is : Tomahawk in melee or to throw it and a little magic to increase his dexterity and pace.

Mecha Worm Mitalis by KrimsonKatt

A gigantic mechanical alien-like worm with many, many tentacles and a multitude of medical equipment such as syringes and pumps connected to it. One of the 32 deviants and a member of the higher order, this demon is incredibly powerful and specializes in using medical technology, specifically chemical warfare and forced surgeries, in order to create chaos across the multiverse. Mitalis sort of looks like this: https://img2.cgtrader.com/items/1968737/f5f3b7bac2/large/metal-worm-3d-model-animated-rigged-max--obj-mtl-fbx-pdf.jpg

Tzubmas the Crimson Clothier by KrimsonKatt

A powerful succubus with pale skin, white hair with red highlights, square glasses, and a red bodysuit with pink tights. She possesses an outfit similar to the classic scarlet witch outfit from marvel (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/0/07/Scarlet_Witch_%28Marvel_Comics%29_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20220611032037)and blue and pink skeletal bat wings. She always wears an evil-looking grin and spiteful eyes filled with malice. Her weapon is her scarlet nails which she uses to attack, and she can control cloth and string which contain chaotic, polymorphic power. The leader of the Tzga Order and the strongest of their members who has corrupted thousands of worlds with her influence.

Maoth the Child of Chaos by KrimsonKatt

A young girl wearing blue overalls and a orangeish-yellow shirt pulsing with pink-colored chaotic energy. She possesses short orange hair and golden eyes, and is an incredibly powerful chaos witch in spite of her age. She also possesses a single black wing marking her status as a higher being and is a member of the devious Tzga Order which seeks to corrupt all worlds using chaos magick, a secret type of magick involving physical transformations and cognitive alterations.

Trello, Prophet of Doom by KrimsonKatt

The prophet who foretells the end of the world. A cultist from an alternate future where the 95% of the world's population, the one's who are gifted in magick, live in a futuristic utopia, but the remaining 5%, the ones without magickal talent, suffer in indentured servitude and poverty. Trello was part of that 5% and wanted to destroy all of society in order to rebuilt a new society where magickal talent was not a factor, to bring back the world to a primal state before the dragons arrived to grand humanity knowledge and before technology. He was a member of a death cult and sought to bring back the crimson meteor, a calamity that once ravaged the world and nearly destroyed all life on the planet. However, he soon learned that it was impossible to summon the crimson meteor in his current time, and fell into despair. But one day, he woke up as a suit of living armor 3000 years into the past with a brand and a single name carved into his metal skull: Kairos. Discovering that this new body gave him immense magickal power, Trello sought to manipulate events in the past to summon the crimson meteor when it was still possible and ensure his future never comes to pass. He began predicting future events in incredibly detail and every time he was exactly right, the people of Morda Vael regarding him as a seer. He was eventually given a high position on the royal court and warned the king of Morda Vael about an impending disaster: the crimson meteor and it's dreaded return. Trello then went to work under the king's funding to build a massive superweapon called the "tower of babel" that could shoot down the coming meteor, when in reality it was a massive lightning-rod-like device that called the meteor toward the planet using syphoned magickal energy.  Trello appears as a slender empty suit of armor with a human-like face and wears pitch black robes with various glowing orange markings. He also wields a magitek staff that can transform into various different weapons to adapt to the situation and has powerful magick in battle. His main battle mechanic is having 7 health bars, each health bar switching to a different class combo. Vanguard/Wizard (Magus Knight) , then Warrior/Warlock (Hexblood), then Thief/Cleric (Inquisitor) , then Brawler/Ranger, (Fistfighter) then Paladin/Swordmaster, (Holy Genshi) then Dancer/Dragoon, (Scaledancer) and finally his unique class "Doomlord." Each phase he uses the ultimate skills from each of the two classes he has equipped, so it's a very long and difficult fight.

Battlewinner, the Ultimate Swordswoman by KrimsonKatt

A beautiful female swordswoman with long jet-black hair and piercing golden eyes. Has a wicked smile on at old times and is known for being cold and sadistic. She is an artificial human created by Trello and serves as his special inquisitor leading the "black blades" secret police that ensures Trello's control of the country and it's information spread. She wears slim black armor, wears deep red lipstick, and wields a blade of pure darkness.



Hey Aekashics just a quick question! Do you think you'll ever do any more of the pixbattlers in dragonbones form like Zidh, the Sun Goddess etc? I think it would be cool to see some of the other characters such as Michael or Lucifer alongside Stan as part of the party.


Hi Ryf! I certainly do want to make more pixbattlers and even more SV battlers in new styles, though as you can imagine the platter with stuff to catch up to and complete is currently super full, for now I can say there are no plans to cancel any asset line and I'm actively working towards clearing overdue content so that I can tackle new one, one way or another the Librarium asset stream will continue! :)


No worries! Just wanted to see if it was still on the table haha. I saw that the Demon Queen Monica will be the next pixbattler from your twitter and keen to see her eventually! I love the pixbattlers and would hope to see more male characters join them to help balance the gender ratio! 😁 As always great work and always excited for what's next on the librarium!

James Marion

what happened to my old ones like Typhon and Sun Sun the minotaur!?

James Marion

More characters without 4 directional walking sprites. I need to know if you are done with 4 directional walking sprites so I can know to cancel my membership or not. They are what sold me on these a long long time ago.


They are coming en masse! Thanks for your patience so far, you can check out and grab 13 New high quality map sprites today from the latest post


It wasnt deleted from the pool database, but since the poll creation process can be prine to oversights and new submissions and resubmissions of old suggestions have more visibilidad, i encourage resubmitting!