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Hello everyone!

As January 2023 draws to a close, and I have been working on the Static battler designs for this month for a while, it is a good time to start posting up the completed static desgins for this month's batch!


The 12 pending January 2023 battler designs have been added!

I apologize for the extra time length these deisgns took, they were pretty complex and I needed to give each of them the design, drawing and polish time they demanded! during the process and towards the end I also perfected Librarium;s workflow, which will make it possible to retain this quality and hopefully have a much faster turnout this month!

That said I think the January 2023 designs definitely live up to the modern Librarium quality standards, hope you will find them useful in your projects!

No time to rest for me as I plan to tackle a *lot of 4 dir map sprites* publish PSDs and release polls! Illustrating the January 2023 designs was an investment of terms of amping up Librarium's quality just a tiny bit more, while also perfecting the workflow to make it viable to do so, and I hope it will pay off! please stay tuned for more posts and releases in these coming days, as always thanks for your patience so far!

Download these today off the attachment section!


We kick off this thread with the 4 winners for the Animated designs poll!

  • Corpse Flower by Gothic Void
  • Marrah Queen Of Dollas by KrimsonKatt
  • Metal Dragoon by Skymin
  • Jormungandr by ShineyBlueDragon

I project the remaining 12 static designs will be completed by February 5th, at that point polls for February 2023 will begin and I will start the production of mass release of 4-dir Map sprites pending to match with all the recent Librarium Animated designs release this month. In an anlogue way, if January had a mass amount of animated releases, February will have a massive amount of 4-dir map sprites!

This more or less settles the work road map for the next days, as usual there's always work to do here at Librarium so please stay tuned! Hope you like these designs and the upcoming ones and as always, I have several messages to get to, I apologize for the delay in response, drawing these battlers really does eat up time like a hungry creature, thanks for your patience, support and interest! The quality standards reached here would not have been possible without these traits our community has given me and I'm very grateful for them!

Stay tuned for more and download the first few today!



Regeta Brown

Metal dragon Dragoon!! wow. I hope that gets an animated battler, thats really impressive!


love it!!!


These look awesome! Are the PSDs available anywhere? I'm new here and thought I was in the right subscription tier to receive PSDs (wisp) but maybe I'm not? Having a hard time finding PSDs for any statics, actually...


Welp, it's February 9th and there's still no news on the rest of the January battlers and the February polls. When are those coming? It's been like, 4 extra days of nothing. No posts since February 1st either.


Hello! Like I mentioned a while ago, you can check the actual latest completion status of librarium battlers over at my Twitter account ( @aekashics) ,thisnto prevent clutter here on patreon with preview posts qith no content and for a more real time update, you dont need an account to browse it and that is the place for the most inmediate updates if you are ever curious on what Im about to release or why a few extra time might be needed , I update with progress on librarium battlers pretty much daily, and also like I mentioned a while ago now, due to the complex nature of illustrating battlers with the new standards of quality, all dates mentioned are always estimates, getting more specific we are behind the ideal schedule because the static battlers im syill.working on all fall under complex design territory, but their progress is well documented over at Twitter like I mentioned, feel free to grlimpse out their progress over there

James Marion

will these have 4 directional sprites?