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Out now! 

Apologies for the delay with this one, was meant to be released yesterday but you know, life happens!

In other new there's been some radio silence for the past week but not due to lack of working I assure you! Been preparing the concepts for all the top 3 Librarium picks and I'll be gradually unveiling them as they reach completion and approach release date!

Our top 3 picks are...! 

  • Toxic Plant-Like Creatures! (Will unveil their preview tonight, and they're due for release this week on friday!)
  • Fantasy Tanks and Machinery!(I still haven't forgotten that fishbowl tanks suggestions Spark!)
  • Earth Elemental Creatures Reskin!(Whew we're going fast through the first elemental sets aren't we!? haha)

Hope everyone is having a great month and year so far, and look forward to the upcoming release and the knight release today!

Also this week we get another Animated God Battler! It is Jupiter's turn and we're certainly almost done with the animated God Battler picks we planned a couple of months ago!

Stay safe  ❤ 
