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January 6th Update ! Static designs for the animated bosses!

Hello everyone!

Hope the start of the year is going good for everyone!

Today more or less as estimated I have finished wrapping up the 4 pending Librarium static designs, the ones that will be getting the animated treatment eventually!

With these 4 we wrap up the December 2022 designs! Thanks for your patience and support!

coming next will be the poll for the January picks, this poll will be running until January 22nd!

Onwards! You can download these 4 battles in the link under the attachment section!

December 31st Update ! Mounted Samurai!

Hello and good afternoon everyone! !

After a lot of work the Mounted Samurai are ready and now available for download!

these units were a ton of work but hopefully you will find them inspiring and useful for your projects! These also took up a lot of extra time because they are essentially 2 units in one, as each horse has an individual design, I figured we should go all out with them!

The remaining 4 units will prob take 3 more days to be created and completed, so all the December 2022 designs will  be wrapped up around January 3rd or 4th! After that, the January poll on the 5th and then It's spine animation time guys! I owe our community a ton of animated releases and it is time to deliver!

I want to say thanks for your support and for being awesome all year round!

While working on these December Assets I feel very happy with the artstyle for Librarium assets we have arrived at and which is the ruling standard for all battlers to come! It wouldn't have been possible without you, thanks for continuing to believe on the Librarium project!

May we all have a wonderful 2023! Best of wishes and happy new year!


Hello and late Merry Christmas!

As usual I have been hard at work with the plans I had already mentioned,though in order to not lose the illustration "warmup" on my brain I decided to jump straight into the December 2022 Static designs before going ham on spine!

The results are definitely the finest Librarium battlers our community has seen to date and the style is definitely set and consistent, but the downside is that  it definitely feels I can't pump these out at a faster rate than this rate so I apologize for the production time and the delays it causes in other content I want and need to put out for our community ! :( This is not a burnout issue or anything of that kind, It's just the time each of these demand! If those delays are justified with this level of battlers I'll be more than happy to contineu producing them at this level and in this amount, though it definitely feels that Librarium cannot work on tight schedules, not because I'm taking breaks, but rather, because character/monster design present very specific time demands for the level of refinement right! Like I always say though, I am fully committed and regardless of delays all content production is guaranteed!

That aside I also kept my promise that this month we would be focused on Ancient Japan warriors and Yokai! For the 4th static set I'll be producing 3 mounted units as previously mentioned, the 4 designs that will eventually be animated will be related to each of these sets to serve as their "boss" unit (Samurai warriors, undead ancient Japan warriors, Mounted Samurai, Yokai)

This method of working has gotten me thinking that perhap for 2023 in the suggestion system we should switch to entire archetype suggestions rather than smaller sets, that way we could have fully functional suites to build games around with! what do you think?

In the meantime enjoy the 9 designs completed so far and as usual I'll be updating this thread with the remainign other 7 designs! 

Stay tuned!




Switching to using archetypes for suggestions does sound like a better idea overall.


Archtypes could be a good way of integrating two different suggestions into one so more creations can be made.


These are great battlers, but I REALLY don't like the archetype idea. That makes more specific requests near impossible to get through which removes the main purpose I subscribe to this Patreon for: getting my dream battlers specificly designed for my game created by a master artist like yourself. Yeah, it's great for the general public, (who don't even have access to your Patreon, just the super old stuff) but not so great for individual subscribers who want something unique for their game. If you do go through with this major change, (and only if you go through with this) I HIGHLY request that you start offering paid commissions along with it so people can pay for specific designs of theirs to be made in your style. Otherwise, people will have to make all of their monsters and designs themselves and make their own library of sprites which would not only take an insanely long amount of time but also be lower quality than yours and not everyone even has the talent to make something like that. Your work has been a huge boon on my projects, most clearly with your work on the Archfiends so far, Millennium Zalharas, and Baetylus. Taking that away to instead focus on archetypes would do a huge disservice to your community and I highly suggest you back off unless your willing to offer paid commissions to your workload so people can still have their custom battlers made. Just a thought.


I don't mind waiting for quality! Keep it up homie. I'm fine with the archetypes, groups are cool for all kinds of things. In general I'm just happy to see more non-boss stuff, can only use so many of those in a given game but there's a lot more room for small to medium enemies.


Amazing, I'll use in my "japanese" project for sure <3 Thanks man!


Now that is a spider I don't want to see on my wall home o_o


I agree with KrimsonKatt regarding the archetypes, I also prefer the possibility of having a very specific fighter being attended to, in addition to the diversity that we currently have with different fighters.

Biki Nhog



100% on board with the larger archetype idea