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Edit #4

Legends of Japan is now complete and available!

With this release we complete the November 2022 suggestions! Thanks for your patience! I ended up taking a lot longer than projected, but I think our community will notice the quality increase!

I will be making a follow up post so I'll keep it brief here, thanks for your patience and support again, download it today!

Edit #3

Dryad villagers now ready and uploaded! Shooting for Legends of Japan to be completed tonight so we can finally wrap up the November 2022 battlers and move on to the next thing!

I decided to add a different spin  to these by injecting a lot of personality, and including a dog! A dog can be a villager too after all!

I have also decided that for December 2022 there won't be polls running, I'd like to use this last month of the year to do some personal ideas for Librarium instead and  inject Small and medium scale battlers hich we didn't get many of this year and are just as needed! This will also give me time to organize the suggestion database and not interrupt the flow of work and planned updates for the rest of the month!

In any case, stay tuned for Legends of Japan, hopefully dropping tonight!

Edit #2

Good morning!

Today I am updating the post with 3 more battlers , Wardens of Hell!

Once again a lot of time was spent in the designs, and I hope this continues to show!

I also took up one day to test an improvement I've wanted to make to the Librarium tileset, replacing the buildings with some superior quality premade ones for the hub town exterior

I feel we're on a step in the right direction with that one for our Hub Town!

It would be wonderful if we could wrap up the year with the completion of the base tileset.

Regardless and as always, thanks for your patience and support these past few days as I continue working! Please stay tuned for more! Currently I am working on the Dryads realease, so that will be the next update to this post!

Edit #1

Hello and good night!

Happy overall to see the response to the new quality our Librarium battlers feature! 

As I mentioned, They are no trivial task to create, but seeing this good response gives em all the motivation I need!

with that said I have been working on another batch which is now available and ready, Golems IV! The next batch will be Wardens of Hell so please stay tuned!!

They are now available in the attachments section zip so make sure to grab it tonight!

Download it today!


Hello and good night!

In this thread I'll start posting, making available and compiling the November 2022 base designs!

Yes, I originally projected them being ready by the 4th, however addressing a request to bring back well defined line art as opposted to the implied painter strokes, a new piepeline was developed and although each monster takes longer to produce, overall the quality is the best Librarium has seen!

I'm working around the clock to wrap up these designs so I just ask of you as usual to remain patient as I continue cranking these out, in the new detailed style!

Please consider dates I mention as estimates rather than hard deadlines for these releases, Cranking out monsters at this level of quality and quantity is no trivial task that can be rushed, but you can be sure they'll be the best I can output!

I'll be updating this thread as the rest of the creatures are ready!

As a reminder here are the upcoming monsters! So far all the Librarium Animated Designs have been completed:

Thank you!




Are the PSDs for these going to be released?


Absolutely love it! Keep doing what you do best, no rush. <3


Very high quality pack. So far, every enemy can be used as a BOSS.

James Marion

What golems are those?


Megacool ⭐️👩‍🚀🔥


All of those look really great. Can't wait to see the animated versions of the 4.


Cool!I support Aekashics again!


Status update on the Sept/Oct 2nd upload? All the ones meant to be animated after Draegith? I think there was a bunch of them.


coming en masse like the bulk release of the 4-dir map sprites, right after wrappi9ng up these static designs, trying to get the dryads done today as well!

James Marion

Wow these are lookin gooood

James Marion

What's the one between the sun golem and the blue guy with invisible sword


I think you're referring to scarlamone, one of the four wardens of hell. IDK why Aekachics made him fire elemental tho when he's supposed to be earth elemental and Rubicante, the one he didn't draw, is the fire guy.