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Hello and good night!

It is the end of the month, I just finished all the planned 19 4-direction map sprites, so it is time to post the first part of the September-October Reward Set Megapack!

This first upload features:

  • 19 Four direction map sprites, some of them literally massive in size to match the creature they represent!

  • 19 Full Resolution PSD Files for the static battlers
  • 7 Portrait Illustrations for teh featured boss releases for the covered period!

The second upload will feature the Animated versions of the featured boss battlers to fully wrap up this megapack of rewards! 

Before that second upload however, between now and December 4th  I will be working on the November 2022 Static battlers and posting them up (Ideally I would have loved to have them ready by today, but 19 map sprites were a major undertask, and I don't want to rush through the Novemeber statics as I plan to incorporate new insight my technique acquired  over Novemember which will result in more refined output), Once the November static designs are posted,  I project the Second part of the September-October Reward Set Megapack will be wrapped up by December 7th (Featuring the animated content) and after that I will proceed to create the November Reward Set Megapack and have them all ready by the 11th, leaving us with the rest of December to tackle the remaining late 2021-early 2022 catch up content I mentioned a few days ago, also to be tackled in the same fasion as these megapacks! I effectively decided to skip through the creation of the marketing materials and that seems to have finally enabled to access the accelerator in the creation of content at the current quality and quantity standards!

As you can see I have it all organized within my head, I guess all I request as ever is is your patience as I push through it! Thank you!

Once again I'll continue posting regular status upades over at my twitter which can be found here:


You don't need an account or to follow me to see these updates so don't worry!

As with every month, enjoy and stay tuned as always!

Download it today!





I guess im confused as to how you have this set up and its super confusing. I liked the specific month to month download link/folders not a batch like this seems to be. This link is the same exact one for me as it was back in 2022 of the same name.


Good Works!


Welp, it's 1:00 PM on December 4th and still no november statics. Hopefully we'll see them by the end of today, but we'll see...


Gunning for it Krim, though It's not that easy specially with the extra refinement you specifically suggested ! Here's a preview of what's coming with that taken into account: https://gyazo.com/f71510710d4a4444840c628f3c247e5e There are always speed vs time trade offs when it comes to these, but I think if you can tolerate these monsters taking up the time they need to be cooked, with the quality and amount you find ideal, your patience will be reward :)


Glad to hear you liked these James! look forward to the november battlers as I continue editing the thread!


Very nice job thanks you !!!! and happy new year :D !!


I checked and there is no animation. Why?


where is Animated Ascended Daimyo? please let me know.


The animated versions for the respective animated battlers will be released in bulk in coming days, it's scheduled right up next, please stay tuned for news and updates on them!