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Just like the animated poll, but for statics!

Lucky Impsby KrimsonKatt

A group of three tiny cat-like imps with small stubby wings, a single small horn, cat ears, black fur, and yellow cat eyes. Their appearance is similar to an anime mascot character. One is the standard luck imp, the second is the "noble luck imp" which is dressed in fancy nobleman's clothes, and the third is the "fat luck imp" who is morbidly obese. Their base version looks sort of like this: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/14YAAOSwnfpfNssm/s-l400.jpg And here are references to their "noble" and "fat" forms. Noble: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/octopath-traveler/images/0/00/Enemy_Cultured_Cait.gif/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/360?cb=20220828213529 Fat: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/octopath-traveler/images/5/57/Chubby_Cait.gif/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/360?cb=20220828213723

Killer Clowns by Death Metal Bard

This one brings up that creeping fear of clowns.  
You could make a clown with lots of knives all bloody and crazy  
A big burly clown using a toy hammer that isn't actually a toy but a sledgehammer  
A cute girl clown that is actually a demonic succubus's
A spooky skeletal clown
A half monkey/half man clown wearing a tutu
A zombie clown as well.

Folk Monsters by Death Metal Bard

My suggestion, much like cryptids and other tall tale style monsters is to really monsterify those descriptions to let them fit into a fantasy rpg or even a urban fantasy horror rpg.

creatures like the Jackalope- a rabbit with antlers on its head, often said to have some power of lightning https://www.legendsofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Jackalopepc.jpg

the Chupacabra- canine blood sucking shadow dog with a sharp and wild tongue https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c015e5d3-dfe3-4e11-ae5b-24cfd99d73d3/d6r1hs6-5a1f3984-f18c-432c-ba8b-334c5fbe27b9.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_751,q_75,strp/chupacabra_by_larimardragon-d6r1hs6.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9jMDE1ZTVkMy1kZmUzLTRlMTEtYWU1Yi0yNGNmZDk5ZDczZDMvZDZyMWhzNi01YTFmMzk4NC1mMThjLTQzMmMtYmE4Yi0zMzRjNWZiZTI3YjkuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzUxIn1dXX0.RAdRMQirbfZBq4H6Faf60J5FW523TiBEsiGORlNJ6aM

The Hodag- a spiked monster that eats trees and lumberjacks https://11pt5z46nuudt9qxx2knwgff-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/hodag-759x500.jpg

Feejee mermaid- A cursed mermaid that like a siren can seduce any man, but consumes their heart to keep it's eternal beauty that fades every night.


Fantastic Giants by James Marion

This would include the three following Giants. NUMBER_1 Jotunn: these a wretched deformed frost giants that haunt the dreams of man and a terrible killers. The Jotun are nude except for cloth covering their privates. Jotun have silver skin and white hair. They have a giant bone for a club. Jotun come as male or female and this one happens to be female. NUMBER _2 Ettin: These are two headed green giants and are more muscular than skinny. They have two heads and often talk to one another. They have a brown leather tunic ripped off at the sleeves and beaten up pants, an outfit they force tailors to make or the tailors become a morsel. The Ettin carry a club that is a giant tree branch. One head has facial hair and no hair on top and the other head has hair on top and no facial hair. NUMBER_3 Eoten: These are giants that are handsome and wear clothes that look like of a commoner. The Eoten can return to normal size if he wants but he insists that giant was his normal size. He carries with him a large slender sword.

Wardens of Hell by KrimsonKatt

Scaglione: An undead quadrupedal beast with long yellow horns, brown skin, and a skull for a face. Inspired by the enemy from Final Fantasy IV.

Cagnazzo: A blue turtle with a human face and hands. Can summon whirlpools to destroy its foes. Inspired by the enemy from Final Fantasy IV.

Barbarica: A beautiful female demon with long blond hair wearing a bikini
and resting within a tornado. Inspired by the enemy from Final Fantasy IV.

Rubricate: A male demon with red skin wearing a cloak made out of fire.
Inspired by the enemy from Final Fantasy IV.

Warrior Shades Part 3 By KrimsonKatt

Nightmare Witch: A stunningly beautiful witch with long flowing black hair and glowing yellow eyes. Possesses an icy tome that she uses to attack and wears a revealing black backless dress adorned with many golden patterns. Has pure white skin and is female. Soulless Beauty: A genderless, androgynous being who wields a blade made out of dark energy and is wearing a black and red skin tight full body catsuit. Possesses long curly black hair, has pure white skin, and has glowing yellow eyes. Necromancer King: A necromancer with flowing black and purple robes and a brown turban covering his left eye. Wields a tome of ultimate darkness, Gruchalla, and is the leader of the warrior shades serving the ghost of the fell dragon Adonis. He and his allies were part of a secret organization far into the future of one possible timeline, but he and his allies’ spirits were taken 7000 years back in time to serve the fallen seraphim’s ghost. Adonis sought to obtain a new vessel for himself, and these skilled warriors from a future not yet written seemed like the perfect fit.

Warrior Shades Part 2 By KrimsonKatt

Pale Rider: A tribal-looking shade with pure white skin and possessing a shadowy aura. Rides on horseback on the back of a skeletal horse and wields a bow that possesses multiple elements. (fire, ice, and thunder) Is male. Death Remnant: An assassin with pure white skin and tattoos on both arms. Possesses short but spiky red hair and wears a bandanna, a sleeveless jacket, and baggy pants. Dual wields cursed shadow daggers with glowing red engravings. Is male. Sword Brothers: Two brothers with pure white skin, one wielding a greatsword and the other wielding a great axe. Both are bonded together by an orb that both their legs are attached to as they are thrown wildly around, swinging their weapons.

Minions of Ultima Weapon by KrimsonKatt

Ultimus Charger: A gray and blue eldritch boar with gigantic blue horns and many eyes.

Ultimus Golem: A gray and blue golem with many eyes and one large horn sticking out of its head.

Ultimus Wolf: A gray and blue wolf-like creature with many gray horns sticking out backwards from its neck instead of a mane, a single blue horn sticking out of its head, and many yellow eyes.

Bird Griffons I by BlueDragon

You know Griffons, but instead of the head on an eagle have the head of different types of birds, the griffons need to be beautiful, and big enough to be saddled up by human riders!
1st Cockatoo: white and fluffy with angelic wings! https://www.deviantart.com/noctualis/art/NEW-YOUTUBE-VIDEO-797091219
2nd Blue Jay: This griffon should have more icy cold colors and features, maybe add a gem beak, clawz, and talons?
3rd Owl Griffon: Body of a snow leopard, and the head of an owl (you can pick from either a snow owl, or an Eurasian Eagle owl!)https://www.deviantart.com/nukerooster/art/High-Cliffs-and-Snow-Drifts-601631213

Dryad Villagers part 1 by BlueDragon

Description: Dryad male and female villagers, 3 variants of each having different cloths/flowers and hair styles. They are bigger then humans, and have a spring flower/Nature theme to them.

Dryad Villagers part 2 by BlueDragon

Description: Dryad male and female villagers, 3 variants of each having different cloths/flowers and hair styles. They are bigger then humans, and have a Fall flower/Nature theme to them.

More Dinos Part 1 by BlueDragon

1st Dino: Stegosaur
2nd Dino: Spinosaur (Use old popular model NOT the new one!).
3rd Dino: Carnotaurus

Mermaid beast riders part 1 by BlueDragon

How about some mermaid warriors mounted on sea creatures? 1st one should be mounted on a dolphin (a true classic) 2nd on a shark, and 3rd on an Orca whale! each warrior should hold a different weapon.

Archetype: Ancestral Demons - Part #2

#4 - Mountain Demon:

She is a giant female demon, by far the largest among the demons, she is round shaped so fat she is. Her body is covered by pieces of rock and your skin is green with red eyes

#6 - Water Demon:

She has the power to control and breathe underwater, plus nothing faster than any creature. She has the appearance of a naga and her hair is a kind of tentacles, her skin is all blue..

#5 - Thunder Demon:

He is capable of creating storms and shooting extremely powerful lightning bolts. He is bipedal, has blue skin, strong body and wears armor.

Archetype: Ancestral Demons - Part #3 by Rodolfo Silva

#7 - Wind Demon:

He has the appearance of a large frog, with red eyes and thick shell on his back and has the ability to create hurricanes with his breaths.

#8 - Earth Demon:

He has a face that resembles a bull, has brown skin, red eyes, in addition to being very strong physically, he can also create earthquakes.

Assorted Horse Creatures by James Marion

This would have three horses. A Pegasus that is very very light-blue with a white saddle and gold trimmings. A wild unicorn. The unicorn from Kadakowa isn't enough for me, because a unicorn is to be all and I mean all white. The unicorn's horn sparkles and its mane looks like it was brushed flat. The last one is my favorite a nightmare. If it's a pun its more of a mare that a stallion however this horse is entirely, ENTIRELY black with the exception of it's fire mane and is red eye corneas. The nightmare also has a fiery stomp that sets the ground ablaze. The nightmare is immune to fire and cannot catch fire except for it's mane and possible hooves but that is more like wearing and wielding fire than catching on fire.

Golems IV by James Marion

I was thinking golems of other varieties should be addressed for any 3 of these - Muscle Golem, Skin Golem, Scale Golem, Hair Golem, Mud Golem, Dirt Golem, Seaweed Golem, Flower Golem, Clay Golem Brick Golem, Ember Golem, Ash Golem, Silver Golem, Tar Golem, Marble Golem, Cloud Golem, Coral Golem, Ice Golem, Water Golem, Vapor Golem, Sun Golem, Moon Golem, Cactus Golem, Sand Golem, Seashell Golem, Gold Golem, Malachite Golem, Mithril Golem, Jewel Golem, Snow Golem, Platinum Golem, Vine Golem, Eye Golem, Mirror Golem, Glass Golem, Crystal Golem, Cobblestone Golem, Spike Golem, Tooth & Claw Golem, Leaf Golem, Feather Golem, Slime Golem, Goblin Golem (Could be 3 goblins stacked on each others' shoulders), Steampunk Golem, Weapon Golem, Fabric Golem, Vomit Golem, Acid Golem, Organ Golem (the internal kind of organ), Electricity Golem (Golem filled with electricity in and around it. Its body is made of some sort of conductor), Rock Golem, Light Golem, Shadow Golem, Soap Golem, Earth Golem, Fire Golem, Wind Golem, Thunder Golem (A golem made of lightning instead of conducting it), Plasma Golem, Copper Golem (Partially corroded), Bronze Golem, Snake Golem, Pebble Golem, and Magma Golem.

Wights by James Marion

These are like wraiths but they are glowing and wear full chainmail, steel boots, leather gloves, a tabard with a nasty symbol, and have a skeleton face with skin on it and no nose. Finally it also wears a helmet, some with horns, other with a jagged shape. The helmet and the armor is open to some changes. They have a strong eerie yellow energy glow that stretches out and has strings of energy creating loops. Three of these guys, each different in some fashion is what this suggestion allows for if picked.

Assorted Walking Reptiles by James marion

This features three reptiles: a fantasy Salamander, a Colossal Fat Crocodile, and an enormous Kimodo Lizard with slobber. NUMBER 1_The fantasy Salamander's needs the most explaining and the whole main color of the Salamander is a red that leans toward orange. The Salamander's tail is on fire and the rest of its body is not. The Salamander has a pretty long tail.. The salamander has black striped down its body and big big green blade scales pointing up going down the center of it's back. The Salamander also has green eyes. The black stripes on the Salamander thin to a point upon reaching one of the green blade scales that point up and the stripes fatten to their maximum length near the sides of the Salamander and around the belly which probably can't been seen. NUMBER 2_ The colossal Crocodile is colossal, and its on the wide side even its head. The Crocodile from All Dogs go to Heaven is a good example of proportions. It's colored like a crocodile would be, but remember this thing is colossal. NUMBER 3_ The enormous Kimodo Lizard (Kimodo Dragon is its scientific name) is enormous and not quite large enough to be colossal. You can see the drooling slobber on this Kimodo Lizard (Dragoninstead for the scientific name not recognizing the confusion when not a real Fantasy Dragon and thus I don't think should be named Kimodo Dragon but Kimodo Lizard or Kimodo Dragon Lizard) because what intimidates me about Kimodo Lizard Dragons are their deadly bacterial bite in their slobber and their teeth letting in the potent bacteria. Picking the Assorted Walking Reptiles will give use the Fantasy Salamander, the Colossal Crocodile, and the Drooling Kimodo Lizard Dragon (or titled Kimodo Lizard since it's not a Dragon in the fantasy world)

Angry Sweets by CrisR82

"You go to the store for a cake or some candy...but now they are going to fight back! Donuts, cakes, ice creams, chocolates... - this time THEY are out to eat YOU!"

Legends of Japan by KrimsonKatt

Shogun: An evolved form of a Samurai who now rides on horseback with much fancier armor, a cape, and a fancy naginata instead of a katana.

Genji: The evolved form of a ninja who now possesses golden armor pieces along with the black ninja suit and duel wields shadowy katana. Looks like the dread fighter class from Fire Emblem Echoes. Here is an image: https://imgur.com/a/4grdw2C

Sensei: The evolved form of a monk who is in a constant state of meditation. Wears simple white pants with a golden trim and is completely shirtless. Wears one of those triangle hats and summons multiple phantasmal fists to fight for him while he meditates.

Dinosaurs Part 1 by KrimsonKatt

Pterodactyl: Flying dinosaur. Looks like the Pokemon Aerodactyl.

Triceratops: A dinosaur with a triangular head and three horns.

Brontosaurus: A massive dinosaur with a very long neck. Looks like a fusion of a giraffe and a camel with a reptile coat of paint.

Dinosaurs Part 2 by KrimsonKatt

Ankylosaurus: A dinosaur with a spiky back and a large spiky tail similar to a morning star mace.

Velociraptor: A bipedal dinosaur that can run incredibly fast with a furry mane and sharp claws. Is an excellent hunter.

Megalodon: A gigantic oceanic dinosaur that likely inspired stories of sea monsters.

Assorted Monsters Part 3 by KrimsonKatt

Toxic Slime: a dark green colored slime that looks like sludge with a ghost-like mouth and eyes.

Toilet Hand: A grasping zombie hand reaching out of a toilet. Inspired by The Legend of Zelda.

Shape Shifter: Blue jelly-like creature resembling a crude clay human doll from ancient times.

Heroes of the Meteor Part 1 by KrimsonKatt

Saintblade Koros: A young man with light brown skin and shoulder length blue hair. Has a glowing blue mark below his right eye and has yellow eyes. Is wearing a black jumpsuit with blue lining along with a brown open jacket, brown knee high boots, and brown gloves. He is also wearing multiple belts and wields a blue laser sword with a silver hilt in his left hand.

Ravager Tayo: A young man with spiky green hair slicked back, light skin, and red eyes. Wears an eyepatch over his left eye and traditional gold and white priest garbs. Also wields two axes infused with dark energy.

Empress Zenith: A beautiful cat girl princess with short blue shoulder length hair and blue cat ears. Is wearing a shiny blue princess gown with an opening in the middle revealing brown semi opaque tights and shimmering blue high heels. She also wears a blue leotard beneath her dress and her dress eventually peters out to a tight, blue corset and a cute ribbon. She also wears long white opera gloves and wields a gigantic silver greataxe. Here is an image of her: https://imgur.com/a/rqMpbXJ

More Baby Animals part 2

More Baby animals!
1st A Baby version of the Eastern Dragon HuangLong
2nd A Baby version of the Water Dragon YDRO.
3rd A baby version of Manticora



Just letting you know that the golems IV suggestion is heavily flawed. For one, multiple golems mentioned are already in the librarium such as the Fire/Magma/Ember/Ash Golem, Stone/Rock/Earth Golem, Sand Golem, Snow Golem, Crystal Golem, Slime Golem, and Light Golem. Along with that, concepts are listed multiple times in the same post. Some variation of a "fire golem" is mentioned a total of four or more times, variations of "earth golem" are mentioned three times, a "thunder golem" concept is mentioned twice, and a "bronze golem" concept is also mentioned twice. It's really annoying having the golems win every single month robbing the librarium of more valuable battlers when golems are already so overused in it. This is made worse by a large variety of the golems listed being repeated and/or already appearing in the librarium beforehand. Please, stop voting for golems. Vote for something else more unique instead instead of us getting 3 of a list of 50+ golems every month in which most of them are repeats and won't run out for at least another 3 years.


I second this and voted for Legends of Japan instead as we could honestly use more yokai enemies or even realistic samurai/ninja-style enemies (which I think I'll add in the suggestion box honestly.) Personally, this can be fixed with limited entries to only one "part" per month, and in rare circumstances like with these golems, restrict them to a separate"bonus round" reserved only for series that already won multiple parts so they don't mess with the standalone entries. Although we the community are also part of the problem because for some reason, a lot of people want to keep suggesting huge Godzillia-like creatures which take up a lot of Aekashics's time month and month. So I also suggest putting Godzilla-like designs (particularly animated) in a smaller separate poll so only 1 can win allowing much needed relief for Aekashics vs lately 3-4 every single month animated, let alone the several static ones due to sprites. Sum up: 1 Godzilla poll until he catches up with all the previous months. 1 usual static poll. 1 usual animated poll. 1 recycle poll of only those who didn't win previously. Only difference is instead of 1st and 2nd place each time, only 1st place in each category will be made (sets in static of course.) So we'd still have 4 categories, just structured better imo as it would allow proper chance of recycle ideas + limit the huge/repeat designs. Thumbs up if you agree with this idea.


back in the day we did used to have 4 polls, the problem with polls is that they might not seem like it, but they are actually a logistic challenge, specially in a system where I have to keep track of what's in rotation, what has not been, what is a brand new suggestion, what's a returning one, etc I can work out a new system to bring back the polls with a similar focus to what you mendtioned, taking into account monster scale, etc, but I would request of our community to constantly resubmit their suggestions every month, because being totally honest right now every poll can take up to 4 hours to produce and still be prone to errors, that's why I reduced it to two polls in recent times

James Marion

I didn't even upload the golems. Aekashics must like em idk. Idk if I was going to post them this time if I could.


They were included again because there were no new or suggestions requiring the slot!