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Out now! 

As usual look forward to the rewards for these!

I actually had these ready yesterday but I needed to do some testing within the sample project which actually yielded good results as I ended up improving them further after that, that´s why there was a slight delay this time around!

There are *not* the weeklies for this week though!

Also look out for the sample project as it continues improving!

Now regarding the polls, it's really nice to see Mimics took the lead! At least we know what we'll be getting into this week! 

In the comment section please let me know what kind of mimics you all have in mind, if any!


If you havent feel free to vote, as I post this there's a tie between skeletons and Ice elemental reskins for the elemental creatures!




Mimics are those that imitates their surroundings to ambush prey. So there are many types actually than the staple treasure chests.


Yeah I know I[ll be doing a door mimic, a weapon mimic and maybe a bush mimic haha, but I figured everyone prob has other nice ones in mind they might want to see materialized as well!


Gigant hoard mimic, book mimic, portrait mimic and armor mimic... There are a lot of possible mimics, just think that every type of dungeon have at least one mimic type, and that more humans means more mimics.


How about a human mimic, the deep backgroundstory you can create with this "mutation" would be really great

Darkstarmatryx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 22:58:16 The classic d&d cloakers or cloak Mimic. Those are some nice alternative battlers.
2016-12-06 22:18:14 The classic d&d cloakers or cloak Mimic. Those are some nice alternative battlers.

The classic d&d cloakers or cloak Mimic. Those are some nice alternative battlers.


A great idea! A provisional one added for now, though I plan to expand upon it eventually in future packs!


And I actually tried to wrap my head around a mimic mimic but couldnt haha.


Ohh almsot forgot about one like that, it will be the final one to be added!