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This is a repost of the Librarium Animated poll, the google forms result sheet had not loaded properly so I had to redo it, apologies for the inconvenience!

(Edit: second repost didn't save my poll configuration options for some reason orz, here's to hopinh this is the good one)

Predatory Animal Grizzly by DEdwards

Description was blank but I assume an intimidating Grizzly bear!

Wildcard Skeleton Warrior by JLEY

Mage, or a knight variant, all RPG Need undead warriors!

Eldritch Abominable Doom by James Marion

There has been Eldritch Ultimate. Think of this as the optimum version of a huge hulking SIX legged beast made up of pure black Eldritch corruption and other magenta details; and further whatever is in the Eldritch design.

Parasite Queen Jubokkin/ Parasites By Gianthurtball

A parasite queen with the ability to generate more parasites through egg laying, thinking of the alien queen from aliens, human-looking with plant/parasite-like features and something similar to a spider's abdomen but plant/flesh-like. The host is long dead and only the appearance reminds those of the once Jubokkin/human past of the creature. She is 15ft in size, although smaller versions have been seen. While she has the general shape of a human female, her limbs are long, and she has extra appendages (no nipples or lower region). She has something like Boss Eldritch Slime Overmind stuck on her back. First seen in the GHB labs and later by Sheyo's group. Later used as bioweapons in the EEA. Animation 1 Egg lay Animation 2 Tentacle / limb swipe Animation 3 Glowing eyes for magic/skills or animations perhaps bile or poison gases

Dualform Beast by KrimsonKatt

A beastial creature split into pink and blue halves. It possesses 3 arms, two on one side and one on the other. The two arms on the right are strong, muscular, and beastly, while the left arm is daintly and feminine. One of the arms on the left is pink while the other is blue, both ending with sharp black claws with multiple yellow demon eyes on each of them. 2 additional deep red colored arms also exist holding a androginous figure with long blue hair in a tight grip. The creature also possesses two burning demon eyes on its face one having pink flames and the other having blue flames. The creature eventually peters out in it's lower half into a dress split between pink and blue areas with dark red in between. Its face is also dark red colored. Here is an image for reference: https://imgur.com/gallery/3xkHZG3

Skeletal Drake by ElCheffe

When looking through all the animated dragons I realized one important seems to be missing. There is already a slime version where you can see the skeleton, but a real skeletal drake would be a great addition to the collection (and the pride of any necromancer encountered)

Xoer the Unbound By Fyoha

Xoer has decided to break the curse that binds him to the Legendary Knight, Michael, and be a free entity of pure darkness once again. He must be stopped before he regains his full power or possibly find refuge within new vessel! Based off of the appearance from "Prelegendary Knights IV" which can be found in the first update cycle from March 2019. A blue, spectral form with his trademark wings at perhaps the similar quality of the recently released animated "Lord of the Underworld".

Anubis, God of the Dead by James Marion

This uses two reference images which are both of these links. https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/eg/original/38.5_EGDP022863.jpgand https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71d0gMh9U5L._AC_SX679_.jpgI want the head of the original model except he has a few silver earrings like seen in the 2nd image. I want Anubis about tall basketball player height or a little higher 8" tall. I want him muscular like in the 2nd picture but with the muscles on a taller body. I want the gold arm bangle from the first image and the gold wrist bangle from the first image. I want him to hold a staff with an upside down red and gold ankh . I would also like feet just like in the 2nd Anubis image I supplied. I want him with the skirt of the first Anubis picture with no top like the second Anubis picture. I want Anubis to have gold shin guards with little cobras on them like the 2nd Anubis photo has of them. I want Anubis to have a brown body and a black head (but still the gold around the ears) with glowing purple eyes. I want Anubis in a powerful stance of Aekashics choosing.

The Kirin by James Marion

Basically this is a far eastern mythological creature. I want Aekashics to make an Aekashics version of this reference. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/Qilin-shaped_incense_burner_1_CAC.JPG/800px-Qilin-shaped_incense_burner_1_CAC.JPGHave to admit this might look pretty cool if Aekashics draws it his way. I really like the reptile-horse splice it has going on as seen in this drawn depiction of one https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/Qilin.svg/1280px-Qilin.svg.pngI would also like to add a fat orange horn on it that starts out straight like a unicorn but does a swift curve upward a ninety degree turn. The horn has two stripes two thirds down the horn that are blue-purple and a blue-purple long tip at the tip end of the horn. The Kirin should also have small wings that are more of a decoration of a small stubby wing straightened out with a swirl inside it. The wings are also white. This wings could also be summed up as a symbol for air that is wing shaped and white. Kirin has a gold mane, swirly gold fur at the tip end of it's tail, and small tufts of gold fur on all four ankles that waft backwards as it "gallops".

Gorgon, Stone Maker Bovineby James Marion

This is the bull version and not the Medusa version. It's attack is supposed to turn people to stone. It looks like a bull on steroids with bat wings, details on the color to come. It has a body and head that is a quite low saturated in color and is medium bright the hue with the hue being a green-blue. It has big bat wings where on the back of the wings are red as are the special bone lines on the front of the wings are red. Its wing's bottom is a deep rich blue that is not the solid red (color of back of the wings and the wing bone lines in the front/bottom of the wings). It has hooves that are orange-red much closer to red than orange. It also has deep-red bull horns. Its eyes are bright-red without eye circles inside the eye red but instead where the entire eye slots are bright red. The mouth inside is of a bright-red. Its fluff on the back of the bull tail is black instead of the muted-medium blue-green.

Typhon  by James Marion

This monster is a beast of shadow although he still bears body tones. Typhon is a floating monster and is supposed to be the most power monster in Greek mythology. This monster is HUGE and has poisonous BARBED tentacles growing out from its back, and bottom (smaller shadow barbed poison tentacles from its back than its bottom). Its core presence is an upper torso with a very large head infused to its neck muscles and shoulder-neck muscles although, still, having neck and shoulder-neck muscles as they aren't completely engulfed by the head. It has glowing Green eyes and many, many, many Sharp teeth. Its nose looks like that of a skeleton's. Its upper torso is dark but not nearly as black as its tentacles and has details of glowing green lines around the torso. There is no lower torso that runs into the shadow poison tentacles growing out the bottom. There are also shadow poison tentacles growing out from its back and bottom, with the bottom having the biggest. It also has two greatly long bone spikes growing out of its shoulder caps and the bone spikes are jointed and bent forward these can lunge forward can stab the opposition with the most powerful poison that eats away at the stabbed target's body swiftly and viciously.

The Minotaur, Black Sky by James Marion

Black sky has all black fur with grey skin. He is extremely bulky and muscular. He wields two gigantic tomahawks that are too big for a normal man to wield. He has a bright red nose ring, a bright red earring, bright red eyes, Medium Red Hooves, and medium red claws / nails. His upper torso, not including his head, is all dark brown, and human, with no black fur. He has a gold and black belt with a deep dark violet loin cloth. The fur that he does have is long, jet black, and thick. His hands have white wraps and that wrap around his palm. Black Sky is massive and close in size to the previous "White Death" Minotaur from early update cycles. His way oversized tomahawks have roc (giant fantasy bird) feathers of white with green and feathers of white with red.

Blood Dancer by KrimsonKatt

A vampire ballerina with a mouth dripping blood, bloody wounds on her neck, has blue shoulder length hair, and the vampire-ness spreading throughout her body starting from her neck. She is wearing a white ball gown soaked with stains of blood and is wearing white tights with golden ballerina heels. The ballgown eventually is ripped halfway down, revealing the inner structure of the dress. She is in a stiff ballerina pose, hands in the air and legs perfectly stiff and stuck together. If you look closely her legs are actually bonded together with a chain and so are her arms. She does NOT wear a tutu, instead she wears a blood soaked ripped white ballgown. Reference image: https://imgur.com/gallery/GLEUvaa

Prismatic Giant by KrimsonKatt

A purple colored hoofed giant with a massive heart-shaped hole in its chest going through its entire body. Possesses grey hair tied in dreadlocks with various different highlights of different colors of the rainbow appearing on the hair as well. Is holding up a massive egg on his back like Atlas the Titan from Greek Mythology and also possesses a grey spikey hair with the same rainbow colored highlights as his hair. His eye sockets are empty and are bleeding. Refence image: https://imgur.com/gallery/BVG0SfY

Archfiend Asherah by KrimsonKatt

A purple colored hoofed giant with a massive heart-shaped hole in its chest going through its entire body. Possesses grey hair tied in dreadlocks with various different highlights of different colors of the rainbow appearing on the hair as well. Is holding up a massive egg on his back like Atlas the Titan from Greek Mythology and also possesses a grey spikey hair with the same rainbow colored highlights as his hair. His eye sockets are empty and are bleeding. Refence image: https://imgur.com/gallery/BVG0SfY

Archfiend Mammon by KrimsonKatt

A golden wheel-like creature encrusted with many valuable gems. In the middle of the wheel is a female face made out of pure gold. Outside of the face she possesses four arms each adorned with red spikes at the elbow and ending with long red clawed hands. On both sides of the wheel rests two golden mechanical wings, one facing upwards and the other facing downwards. As this boss attacks, she switches from facing upward to facing downward. When facing upward she's on full offense mode, spamming her powerful "Eat the Rich" attack which does unblockable almighty damage to all foes based on the amount of gold you possess as well as "golden gleam" which inflicts a special form of petrify on all foes that cannot be healed via golden needles or the restore spell. When taking enough damage, she shifts into defense mode where she moves her head upside down and her wheel all around where she uses three moves in succession, Archeal, (massive heal on one ally) Dehabillitate, (Lower all stats for all foes) and Luster Pulse. (raise all stats for all allies) Using any skill on her during this phase will prompt the powerful ice breath attack and using any sort of magick on her during her attack phase will prompt fire breath and cause her to have a chance to go into defense mode. Take advantage of this opportunity to deal massive damage without the risk of her using golden gleam while also making sure not to be taken out by ice breath as a counter! Here is an image for reference: https://imgur.com/gallery/dSCstRL

Archfiend Belphegor by KrimsonKatt

A large blue slug-like creature sitting on a giant mechanical throne. Possesses four stubby clawed arms leisurely slouched over and possesses a toothy grin with rows of sharp teeth and two large fangs. Has two yellow eyes looking upwards in glee with red pupils, and also possesses four head appendages which peter out into wings. A tiny crown rests on his head and his mouth has a clear purple outline on his lips. The throne he is sitting on is floating in the air on a spherical metal orb. The orb is dark grayish-blue and on it's sides 5 red glowing circles can be spotted. The throne is gray and possesses 4 red spikes pointing upwards on each end. This demon is the weakest of the archfiends and embodies the deadly sin of sloth. He possesses the unique ability to change his elemental weaknesses and resistances on the fly, causing any of his challengers to be fast on their feet if they ever hope to defeat him. Hit the wrong element just once, and it spells instead death through a powerful counter attack! However, the elements he cycles through are set, so once you know the pattern let it loose and destroy him! Here is an image for reference: https://imgur.com/gallery/0G3kFms


The ruler of the entire omniverse and supreme creator, the king of all of existence and ultimate supreme being. He exists in all possible timelines, worlds, and dimensions, waiting until the day where this existence ends and a new, perfect one begins. He is light and goodness incarnate, and cannot tolerate evil. While he is a genderless, omnipotent, transcendent being, he identifies as male and his physical form appears as a beautiful
androgenous man with both male and female traits shining with incredibly strong light and possessing hundreds of massive shining gold wings. Has infinite power and stats so high that he could easily destroy all of existence with a flick of his wrist. HP: 33,000,000,000, AP: Infinite, STR: 333,000 DEF 133,000 INT: 333,000, WIS: 133,000,
SPD: 512,000 SKL: 512,000

Creator Barbello by KrimsonKatt

The creator of the Great Tree Cosmology and a celestial being beyond normal reality, existing in a higher plane of existence along with her fellow celestials. Appears as a beautiful fairy-like cat girl with long light brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin wearing a black and gold turtleneck leotard, a white miniskirt below the leotard, brown semi-opaque tights, black and gold thigh high heeled boots, and skin-tight black and gold opera gloves. She also possesses shining golden fairy wings and a sly smile. Also has a very large rear, a perfect hourglass figure, and decently sized breasts. Here is an image: https://imgur.com/gallery/F5NlaBw

The Little God (Sukoshi) / Phelmore God by GiantHurtball

The God Sukoshi in Phelmore has the power to reduce the size of things, both living things and objects. A Jubokkin (human) male with bangy (ninja-yoroi) White, Red and blue clothes with a white scarf with that looks too big for him to wear. No matter the clothing size, it will always be too big for him. Such is his power and being unable to control it in the area around him, an entire region was shrunk so the people that live in the region live separate from the giants (normal-sized creatures). Unable to escape his region, those who try are crushed in the small tunnels, unable to pass through them. Animation 1 Sword Slash Animation 2 Unwrap the scarf as a shield Animation 3 Clothing on the ground (evade animation)

Wind Titan Ventos By Fyoha

Years ago, Ækashics created the elemental titans.

I believe since then, 5 of the original 8 were animated into dragonbones integration. There were also some great static remakes, but I'd love to see the remaining 3 animated! Wind, Water, and Earth.

Water Titan Aquous By Fyoha

Years ago, Ækashics created the elemental titans.

I believe since then, 5 of the original 8 were animated into dragonbones integration. There were also some great static remakes, but I'd love to see the remaining 3 animated! Wind, Water, and Earth.

Earth Titan Terran By Fyoha

Years ago, Ækashics created the elemental titans.

I believe since then, 5 of the original 8 were animated into dragonbones integration. There were also some great static remakes, but I'd love to see the remaining 3 animated! Wind, Water, and Earth.

Ouroboros, The Double Dragon by James Marion

This is a giant snake like dragon which is two in one. One dragon is stuck in mid feast eating the snake dragon, but the other dragon was two strong. The half that seems to do the front work is in the front not eating any dragon snake but is the livelier dragon. The back snake works like it's the back of one, not two, but one dragon snake total. They now work together as a double dragon. The strong half has grown a bit since the back half began eating it, although the front half grew mostly in the front with a fearsome mouth that looks bigger and more impressive than the smaller mouth underneath stuck in mid feast swallowing the top dragon. It is said that it is all just the front dragon and the back one has died, but got used to using the back dragon as part of its self. The dragon is all gray white and black with the exception of it's mouth, teeth, and eyes. The mouth has red in it, the teeth are yellow and the eyes are green. The back dragon mid swallowing the other serpent dragon has teeth that are green and its eyes are yellow. The dragons have feathered like fins as well.

Demon Wall (FF4 Style) by Lushi

Basically like final fantasy series (Specifically Final Fantasy 4) It's a wall with a Demon coming out of it and it is quite large as the wall covers mostly the top to the bottom of the battle window. I created this kind of a while back by making a thick wall and using Part of on of your creatures, but think it would be better to just have one made.


James Marion

Where is the minotaur, Sun Son


I didn't add him this month, for no particular reason other than no more available slots, but he's in the suggestion pool, you will definitely see him emerge in future polls!