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Hello !

This charged post will correspond to the following releases and its associated reward set contents:

  • Librarium Statics - Ancestral Demons I
  • Librarium Statics - Naga Warriors I
  • Librarium Animated - Drakus The Conqueror
  • Librarium Animated - Ogre Barbarian Outhrath

As you know the current reward set delivery scheme will focus on delivering one full individual package per day in coming days, you will be gradually receiving reward sets for this content starting on August 2nd, stay tuned!

Thanks for your support!




Will there be itch monthly collection pages/links for this and older dragon tier releases later on, or will everything stay seperated and we should get the individual packs from their respective posts now?


Hello Again Lihinel! Last month I got caught up with a lot more behind the scenes urgent work than anticipated, but be making the compilation per update cycles batches this month is among the top priorities, expect them early this month! (Sometime around the 12th )