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Hey everyone! Apologies for the radio silence this week! I have been cooking up quite a few surprises for you all behind the scenes and also brushing up my own art skills so I can keep on creating increasingly more interesting monsters for you all!

Three huge announcements!

A)I'll be working in updating quite a few librarium battlers again (adding the black shadow underneath older releases which has become standard for all latest Librarium releases), as well as giving the sample project a huge update making it more interesting for you all, as such, there will only be one Librarium Update this month! (That is, there will be two Librarium weeklies and one Librarium animated!)

B)I would like everyone to please vote on the themes  our fellow Patrons suggested last time around to use as our featured releases this month! You will find the poll over here


C)Is anyone else trying out Slime game builder? I'm gonna be trying it out for the 3D mapping! Other than that it seems to be compatible with Librarium Assets already, I'll update you guys on that!

P.S Cover image is a collage of the pieces I made for color practice this week, alongside my planning for Librarium activities in the upcoming weeks!


(No title)



Voted and can't wait to see which ones win! Also I've already put a few hours into Smile Game Builder! I plan on making a smaller story in it to see what I can do with it.


No worries about the limited updates, looking forward to seeing the growth of the Librarium project as a result :D! Regrettably I'm very disappointed with Slime Game Builder. To me it's just another wasted team/mass of resources put towards another project that doesn't understand the essence of game design or flexibility at all as I've already seen many times before, and they were advertising new asset packs before even having the base engine released. It's such an incredible shame because it would have been beyond awesome to have access to a 3d environment for storytelling with camera angles/more animation, etc. It's sure to become known for cookie cutter projects even more so than RPG Maker soon with its limited options. But I hope you're able to have fun with it anyway :). -also I absolutely love that collage of all your practice drawings up there :D awesome stuff :3


Looking forward to seeing more of your incredible work take the spotlight.


Shadows to match the new releases with shadows sounds awesome. I do love and appreciate all the work you put into the your past releases to the Librarium, to make them all stay in sync with each other. It's definitely a great thing. I'm sure that will take quite a bit of time. I can't wait to see what you choose as the animated this month or what wins for the two weeklies. I really like your drawing of a very angry/psychotic Sion.

Michael Posada

Looking forward to the realeases!


So I got to taking a look at the smile game builder demo... Could they have possibly developed a more restrictive battle system? Maybe, but my goodness it's horrible. I'm even more disappointed than I was before trying it out, it really feels like so little design or gameplay consideration was made. Just another weak cookie cutter RPG maker that fails to even reach what RPG Maker series can do, which makes me really really sad.


Hi AEkashics a new patron here, i am amazed with your work, and personally you are the piece i was looking for finally have a wide bridge to release a game. We are already a Music composer, a writer, and a game artist, working on it. Thanks for your work, we will advance a lot and base for an artists standars, we will follow your tracing.