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Hello everyone!

We arrive at the end of the month and I think it's fitting to make another upload of what is ready to be used!

The 1.5 update features all the base designs for the February 2022 suggestions and 6 suggestions out of 16 for the March 2022 suggestions, taken from the most voted options in our suggestion pools!

Special thanks to Krimsonkatt, Metachaser, Catpricorn studios and Donald Hounnankan for these detailed suggestions and everyone who participated in the March 2022 polls!

Ideally I wanted  the 1.5 update to include the February 2022 base designs along the pending animated content but these designs took a lot more time to polish and get right than I estimated, some of them even taking a full day day.

The goal still remains to catch up as soon as possible however!

We are closer than ever to catching up with content as at this point base design wise we are only missing 10 more battlers corresponding to the March 2022 batch! What follows for me after posting this(literally right after writing up this post) is to continue with the March 2022 base designs, and I'll probably upload them before starting the pending animation work, which will also be something I'll grind through with the same mentality of catching up asap! 

You will continue to see progress and work completion regardless of setbacks! As I have always said, the production of the assets your are supporting here is guaranteed regardless of the delays!

Given the fact that we are only 10 battler designs away (technically 12 since some suggestions have 4-5 requests) from catching up and I'm confident in the pace for the animation work and FV sprites, we will definitely at last start seeing the 4-dir map sprites our community has been waiting for during April!

Perhaps I would have been done with both the February and March 2022 base designs if I had not chosen to update the Librarium tileset this month, but I also think that massive update to the tileset was very much needed by our community and I look forward to making another 2 brand new elemental cavern areas for it this April! Make sure you grab the update for it made available this month!

You will find the 1.5 update including mirror links below!



Download it today!




The google drive link shows empty... is there an error?


Aekashics~! There seem to be too many human-type monsters. Human-type monsters are generally not compatible. I wish there were more monster-type monsters.


Of course, I have absolutely no complaints about your design.


Hm when I preview click it it shows empty but when I download it the files are there, could that be it? :o


Hello! https://www.patreon.com/posts/librarium-box-4-26695283 You can suggest the monsters you have in mind in this thread! This is good timing as well as the poll for the April roster will be going up in about 2 days from now so suggestions you write up today or tomorrow can make it in time for the next set of polls!


looking great! looking forward to the 4way sprites! question in general, is there a "starter" set of more generic/normal monsters? lots of end game super strong/scary looking monsters in all the packs I've seen, but I don't see many easy/weak/earlygame monsters! any good archive packs with such things?


Oh thanks! Today is April Fool's Day, but you gave us a surprise!


Hello! There are plenty of starter/generic looking monsters in the batch libraries, have you browsed through it yet? :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/librarium-batch-32517612


Thanks for the battlers! I have a question though: the animated battlers seem identical to the ones in the 1.3 catch up bundle. Was there a mix up?


thank you


Hi,I have two questions about terms-of-use. My game will use assets from the your patreon that I have authority to get . 1. Can I sell the game at market such Steam? 2.Can I made game development vlogs at video website such as youtube?


yep! I saw that, but there were no 4way map sprites! that's what I am currently looking for. thanks for the reply!


good job


His terms of use state that you can use his assets where ever you like regardless of if your content is free or commercial as long as you didn't pirate them and you properly credit him. So yes, you can post commercial content using his assets on steam or making videos featuring his content on YouTube as long as you credit him.