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2 days have gone since the previous post and I continue to grind the January 2022 content!

As I was going through the list I realized I listed a lot more battlers than the usual scope of monthly releases so the official January 2022 update cycles will feature the Onis, The Elemental Bears, The Zombie Undead Warriors and the Stone Knights, worry not however as I will do the other round of Statics I listed out in the January 2022 second update cycle as additional content once I have caught up with the official releases, the content from suggestions and the content from our polls! (In case some of the ideas you saw there had caught your interest!)

With that mentioned Most of the January 2022 content is complete as you can see from the previews  through the month, coupled with the correct December 2021 content, however I still need to animate the existing  and respective animated designs and draw and animate the January 2022  ones! I estimate I can do this in around 2 to 4 days, So we'd be looking at the release of the 1.4 Catch-up Bundle update around Friday, this is where I want to pop the question from the title, would you prefer if I released much sooner (Prob Tomorrow March 1st Night-time) all the content I've been showcasing in the previews plus the ones I will be illustrating tonight but only in static form, and then proceed to gradually create and add the animated versions of the respective animated designs all the way up to March 3rd?

At this grind pace I think I will have the February 2022 content complete and going by the 8th or 9th, which is a good date to wrap up the polls and start the march content and concurrently work on the reward sets!

Despite the lil slowdown due to health midway through February, I think the news and update frequency I promised can be felt, I mentioned the situation now is quite different from what it was before, and I will prove that commitment by making all the releases of everything I need to release, Thank you for your support, suggestions and patience so far!




My vote (or preference) is to have the statics released earlier on March 1st, and then release the animated ones later. I feel that having more frequent releases is generally better, since I don't think most of the art is dependent on each other (unlike source code). The art could be released in chunks instead of all at once for the catch up bundles. Once things get back on track, I guess it makes sense to release things all at once when they are e-mailed out, but with these bundles I think more frequent updates and releases is better. The 4 direction sprites have been missing in the catch-up bundles, and I feel those should get a high priority and an eventual release as well.


Do you get 4-directions? As a Dragon, I always just get "down". :D I've also never seen a "faceset" in any release and I've been here a while. I just end up using the PSD file, zooming in on the head and shoulders, and cutting out a decent headshot. :P Regardless of that, as a fellow artist - I know how painstakingly it is to even create one character - let alone as many as AEkashics does. So I am here to stay. :)

Blue Dragon

I agree with MetaChaser Statics and 4 Direction sprites should get the highest priority.


And they will get it! 1.5 will be the final iteration of the catch up bundles base release wise and after that it's all reward set work along the march content in its matching month!