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This will be the poll for the March 2022 Librarium Animated picks, I want to try a new format for polls so instead of having 4 polls we will be having only 2, with the winning options being the top 4 picks for each of them!

Options selected for the February 2022 Update Cycle content have been left out and are as follows:

February 2022 Picks

1st Update Cycle

  • Animated - Mushroom Troll
  • Animated - Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos
  • Statics - Assorted Monster Girls
  • Statics -  Rioting Peasantry'

2nd Update Cycle

  • Animated -  Tsuki The Autumn Spirit
  • Animated - Digital Devil
  • Statics - Gnolls II
  • Statics - Fruits animals

With that said, here are the options for the March 2022 Librarium Animated Picks!

King Orc by Aaron Break

Librarium Animated: King Orc (with four arms). It would be nice to add an animation where the orc hits the floor, for example... to create earthquakes. And another animation where the orc hits multiple times with his arms.

Legendary Knight Ansellus

Considering how far you've come in making most of the other Legendary Knights animated already, it'd be cool to animate Ansellus to move and attack like "Doc Oct" from the Spiderman comics, only with 6 "arms" instead of 4 of course. To make him stand out, adding a beam laser as one of his animated attacks would be perfect in addition to the usual stab/swipe attacks.

Life Reaper by KrimsonKatt

The opposite of death, this reaper gives life instead of taking it. Appears as a masked figure wearing flowing white robes and holding a golden scale with a skeletal hand while the other skeletal hand wields light magic. His mask is pure white with three eye sockets, and he possesses two massive pure white wings and a halo.

Metatron the Ascended One by KrimsonKatt

A massive robotic humanoid angel with 6 mechanical wings, a metal face, and a highly advanced robotic humanoid body. Is light elemental.

Storm Rider by KrimsonKatt

A dragon/wyvern monster with a large yellow beard and 6 electric horns stretching across its back that possesses fans for wings and no legs, only a tail. Inspired by a specific boss from the game Kingdom Hearts II. A reference image can be found here: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/a/ae/StormRider.png/revision/latest?cb=20110824051125

Ultima Weapon by KrimsonKatt

An artificial lifeform created to be the ultimate weapon, hence the name. It broke out of it's confinement and went on a rampage, possessing the powers of every element and multiple devestating skills. I would like for the design to be based on it's design from Final Fantasy VI. Here is a link: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/8/83/FFBE_Ultima_Weapon_FFVI_Sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20170814050347

Agni the She-Dragon by KrimsonKatt

A distinctly female fire dragon similar to the previous fire dragon battlers you did like the magma dragon battler.

Sensayu the Dragon of the Zodiac by KrimsonKatt

A massive golden dragon wearing golden armor and possessing 6 wings and a massive celestial sigil behind him.

Shadow Koros by KrimsonKatt

A half pink half blue demon with glowing pink eyes who's lower body is shaped like a massive ballgown. It's right hand is a gloves feminine arm while it possesses two left muscular clawed arms with large black claws. Two additional arms are in the middle binding a feminine figure with elf ears light brown skin and long blue hair. Here is a link to a sample image: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/Shadow_Koros.png

Calthusian Sea Dragon by Catpricorn Studios

A dragon face with octopus like tentacles, spiked like those of a colossal squid. It is an apex predator in the Calthusian oceans, easily capturing it's foes and tearing them apart with its tentacles, which it can move incredibly at deadly speeds. It is also capable of breathing ice shards that can shred through a whole school of fish, or anyone trying to encroach in its territories.

Wukong 2.0 by Aaron Break

I would like Wukong Animated to be repaired or create a new Animated Wukong Battler. I think it would be nice if it made more fighters as allies.


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