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Hey everyone! Let's get to it! I promised a surprise announcement and here it is!

From now on, starting with this monday, and then every friday after that,I'll release groups of related static battlers! As an additional perk for you all Patron friends which have been more than awesome in all sorts of ways (no seriously lol, your support, understanding and kindness is really appreciated every time!), I'll let everyone decide on the order to release these packs!

 These mini-updates will consist of up to 12 battlers, released in the standard Librarium format (Frontview and sideview, RPG Maker MV optimized) and will be included in the wisp tier folders for you all respectively when it comes to their full resolution files!

These mini-updates also signify that bi-monthly updates will no longer feature static battlers, focusing only in our animated picks!

Lastly, as another added perk for you guys, feel free to suggest creatures which would fit the themes! I won't be able to go with it every time, but surely your voice will be heard!

For this first release please pick between Sea creatures, Mountain creatures and Animated Objects! Let me know what you prefer in our comment section down below! I'll make the cut on Sunday and release on Monday at 14:00 pm Central! Have a great night!

Potential F.A.Q!

Why not release all these battlers in a single megapack at once?

I would but there's actually a lot of background work involved with these battlers as I have to do resizes, I'll be doing extensive in-editor testing to see if the size is right and altering when necessary and time is not unlimited! plus there's another big reason for it! I want to make these more interactive and try to address the real needs you guys might have at a given time! this is where you all come in by selecting release priority and potential monsters which are critical and I might have missed!

Will there still be statics in the biweekly video updates?

Not anymore! video updates will be dedicated to our animated picks, and the static slot will be taken up every friday instead with these releases! The wisp tier releases will contain the bundles for these as well, so none of that really changes the current Librarium workings!



(No title)



So hard to choose..... why are you so good? ;D


I really need sea creatures, and that crab looks really good!


OMG there's the harpy /psyched /psyched /psyched 〜(・▽・〜)(〜・▽・)〜


To bad they're all static, as the sea monsters are especially cool


Those are all so amazing I can see great uses for them all. I agree with Susan that its hard to choose but I do love my Alice in wonderland so I have a perfect place for those crazy cards. So this time I have can say I would go with animated objects, but I definitely won't be saddened by any of the other two groups that is for sure. such nice work.


These are all so good! For my project the first half of the game I've been doing the traditional elemental dungeons but have run into an issue that i would love to maybe see fixed with these static battlers. We have plenty of ghosts and dark type looking monsters but very few Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Wind/flying types which has made it a bit hard to finish which enemies I would like to have haha. And i think it would be a good idea all around to maybe over time flesh out those more elemental based monsters for these types of dungeons.


⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃ Haha I'm flattered Susan! You still can decide tomorrow!


(*´・v・) I'm guessing your vote will go for mountain creatures then right Perseonn?


Ahh yeah, as much as I also love animated battlers, I feel people still need this level of release pace and variety for their games which given the effort behind animated battlers, I can't match!


Well I do plan to draw more chess pieces and wonderland themed battlers in that one, so if it doesn't win for monday that isn't a bad thing Darkstar! Thanks!


Under this scheme we'll definitely see a group of elementals eventually! For now to which group should I count your vote into?


Good to hear! My vote would go towards the animated objects


All of these are seriously so incredible!!!!! That's also an exciting change for statics :D sounds great! For me it's also hard to choose, but in the end it's still animated objects by a hair :D excited for when the others may be picked in the future though :)!!