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And will be added to the catch up bundle in a new version shortly!

Hello and happy holidays! as we approach 2022 I diligently continue with catch up work in pending Librarium content, I spent most of this month working and refining an acceptable level of quality with these battlers while juggling with the situation I had described at the start of the month. Thanks for the overwhelming support !

All in all I think you will be happy with the quality these came out with!

Let the quality of these releases be a testament of comittment towards delivery work of ever evolving quality !

November + December base content is also currently in the works, though not in this finished state, I tooka different approach to them, so I think we will be seeing them quite early into January 2022 at last!

Thanks for all your support so far and I hope you had an enjoyable holiday season!




Good job, I hope 2022 will be a better year for you.


Happy New Year!(*^▽^*)


Can we get a seperate download from this as well? Happy new year!


So where's the updated download?


Cool!...They look amazing. Will you add a sample project for MZ?


Seriously, what is going on? It's been two weeks and you still haven't uploaded them yet.

Regeta Brown

Did these get released and I missed them? I see the nov and dec ones got released today


I will be adding all of these plus the ones shown yesterday to the catch up bundle, I got a bit sidetracked today because I am creating the correct DEcember 2021 battlers ( I ended up creating ones from an alternate list, my mistake) in the meantime you can follow progress on those in the updated most recent thread :)


are these uploaded somewhere yet? if so I might have missed them...


You can find them in the 1.3 update post! Or you can download them directly here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFGjB_Zqj7llmy-bpFX6mUXX2rwIzIi1/view?usp=sharing


Where can I find these assets? They're beautiful!


They are available in the 1.7 Catch up bundle megapack! And their associated reward sets are on the works part of the content I'm updating daily with! :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/librarium-may-up-67171149