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I really wanted November to mark the point where I would finally catch up with Librarium overdue and compensation content however that could not be the case. Although I had a bright start of the month, things quickly went downhill when my son was diagnosed with Autism not too long after the posting of the Librarium Catch up Bundle 1.2 update. This, afer a period where my health had been in the gutter, once again rocked the world of my spouse and myself compelling us to adapt our lifestyle to make sure our son would get therapies, attention and sessions with many different specialists. 

Not long after that once again my spouse fell sick as well, and while tending for her and I started to feel sick again so I went for another checkup, while the sickness was unrelated, during that visit to the Doc some flags went up and I was formally diagnosed with Hypertension, While Librarium is my main source of Income and it provides the means to allow me to dedicate myself to it, the amount of medical bills continued to stack beyond anything before so I had to pause progress on Librarium work to do quick side gigs to make ends meet through the month.

This physical and mental drain of all the situations combined also took its toll on me, making it harder to meet all the ambitions I had regarding improving Librarium this month. 

I completely understand the frustration of everyone who has been patient beyond imagination so far, and I'm really sorry I have nothing substantial to followup the 1.2 update except 9 new creature designs out of the 48 I had envisioned to complete and post up today. I understand I should be posting and updating my situation regularly but in between visiting several different specialist appointments for my son, my spouse and myself, paying med bills, dealing with weird side effects from the meds and still grinding work, I seriously could not find the mental energy to do so, not without bringing up all these matters, which I wanted to avoid bringing up.

So... whats next? 

While 2021 has been the worst year of my life, and I feel completely ashamed over all the delays, Librarium isn't over just yet. Why do I have the gall to say this?

Because I still love to do what I'm doing here, and I still love our community to the core.

Librarium didn't get to this state because I just stopped caring or no longer enjoying what we have here. This dark situation just happens to be a bump on the road, one that won't stop the journey.

The September, October and November content is planned as follows and is currently in production:


  • Statics Spider (Spider group2)
  • Statics Metal Slimes
  • Statics Maid Fighters
  • Statics Fantasy chickens
  • Animated Ice Wolf
  • Animated Constrictor Cobra
  • Animated Skeleton Bones
  • Animated Tanuris - The Skelleton Minotaur


  • Statics  Crystal Mole Pack
  • Statics  Static defence turrets
  • Statics The gossipers
  • Statics Egyptian God Couples
  • Animated : Griffin / Griffon / Gryphon 
  • Animated Biometal Edgarde, the Darksteel Alchemist
  • Animated The Nephilim
  • Animated Chimbus


  • Statics Gods, Godess and Demi-Gods of all ancient myths
  • Statics Archfiends Part I
  • Statics Fairies group 1
  • Statics Spirituals Apes
  • Animated Eaglebear
  • Animated Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War
  • Animated Baetylus, the Archon of Wrath
  • Animated Natsumi The Summer Spirit

All of these picks were taken straight out of the suggestion box as I had previously mentioned and in the screenshot above you can see the finished designs for Spiders II, Metal Slimes and Fantasy Chickens. 

My plan is basically to continue with the production of these and then finally work on the associated reward sets to this content. They will be added as they are complete the catch up bundle pack found in the previous post.

Once again I want to say thank you to everyone who has been patient enough to deal with me up to this point, and if I have already let you down completely I also understand that, thanks for putting up with me as long as you did, I mean it. I hope you can once again give me another chance in the future, once things have truly stabilized, and also all this content will be sent your way, despite you being on patreon or not ( I can still PM former patrons) , you without a doubt will receive what you have been supporting this whole time.

If you still wish to support me, I just want to say you can count on the creation of these assets, despite the delays, and you can also count on me putting the best of my ability into them, and also my vow continues to continue improving their quality, perhaps the only constant so far coming from me lately. 

My health caused Librarium to hit rock bottom but together we are going to bring it afloat once again.

Thank you.




5 years and counting. I am not going anywhere dude--especially now that I know you have a family. That changes everything.


Although, I would stop the polls until you're good to go.


In fact, I joined recently, but I intend to stay. After all you have provided so much for the game maker community already. And this year is, well, special for all of us, I guess.

James Marion

I'll sponsor you still. Is there a link to August's uploads.


I honestly prefer the quality of quantity here. It might be time to half the load and give yourself some time for the things that value the most... Give yourself the year to catch up and then maybe reevaluate at some point.


As someone diagnosed as ASD myself I know how tough it is to deal with. My own mother was in denial about the whole thing at first so I can understand how it affects you, and in my case it was at 18 months when they figured it out... and in 1982 no less, when it was still very much unheard of (rates of diagnosis were still in the thousands at the time!) Hopefully 2022 will be a lot better for you, very much appreciate your work!


Hey, I'm sorry about all you had to go through this year. Never the less I will still continue to support you through this as you produce amazing content for a very reasonable price and I support that. I hope you get better, and I hope your son does well as well. As someone with autism myself, it will be tough and require a lot of effort, but if you're picking up on his condition early and get the right treatment ASAP, everything should work out. And if you're strapped for cash, you could always look into selling you're art as NFTs. It's practically free money and you don't even have to sell your NFT for crypto or put it on an environmentally dangerous Blockchain network. With your skill as an artist (far more than me who's also looking into NFTs) you'll easily make bank, so if you're ever strapped for cash know that getting into NFTs is always an option. Anyways I hope you get better and can continue producing the content you love. Can't wait for my suggestions to be made into fully realized battlers! Bye for now.


first off those spiders are awesome! i been a patron for years and i'll continue to be one. you created some of the best assets and practically give them away. I have a brother who has autism along with 2 nephews, i understand what you're going through. take care of you and your family first. take some time off if needed, i like most other will be here and continue to support the amazing work that you do. thanks again for everything!


5 years indeed my friend, thanks for all this time, you are one of the most amazing people I have met online! I will use all these good wishes to repay the best way!


Thank you :) I want to wrap up 2021 on different note instead of what it has been so far, hope you will like the upcoming content now and in the future!


Thanks for your immense patience so far James! the base content for August was uploaded in the 1.1 catch up bundle, but I assume you mean reward sets, right? They will be created and uploaded after I have completed the creatures i'll be shwocasing and sharing every 2 days or so here on patreon!


Hello Nathan! It's true I've been a bit stubborn in my decision to deliver 16 new designs instead of 8, but I feel so bad reducing the amount of content you guys receive, given how amazing our community is :( , in the though, that has backfired and instead of 8 it's been no content at all at times. If anything right now, I want to think I've learned to adapt to a lot of things in recent times, and I can't stomach to wrap up 2021 in the same way the rest of the year developed. We will see, but I will certainly give it my very best! Thanks for your support!


Hello Jeff! Thanks for sharing your experience with us! It has been a process mostly in the sense that I want my son to feel comfortable and happy, whatever that entails, so I have been reading up a lot on the topic and learning from specialists on how to interact with him without him feeling overwhelmed by us, Thank you very much for your good wishes and support ! I also wish you the best :)


Hiya KrimsonKatt! Thanks for sharing your experience with us! we did pick up on the condition relatively early so for now it's just making sure we don't miss appointments with specialists and do what they instruct and seeing how the situation develops, thank you for your good wishes and support! :)


Thank you Vuono! I appreciate you sharing your experience and support I can't really take time off since I don't want to wrap up 2021 in the same note as the rest of the year, but I appreciate you being so understanding about it :) Thank you for your continued support! Hope you will like Librarium releases in the short and far future!


Hello Aka ! Glad that you gave news. If I could suggest something : instead of saying you will deliver everything with delays, you should just finish those already started but CANCEL everything else and start fresh. I can't see how you will catch up everything, it's just too much now. I'm ok with having sponsored you for nothing for a few months, that's how sponsoring works sometimes. I think you would deliver more if you started fresh. The delays are too much pressure. I hope the other sponsors share my view on that.

James Marion

if this 2021 has been the worst year, you're doing not too bad. PLeaze plz plz finish spell caster Hilda. A placeholder is fine for now but with what's been going on will that pix battler ever be released. I need that caster.