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Hey guys!

The second june update pack featuring 3 animated battlers is now out!

Download it today!


There are no major announcements to make today, outisde of what I have been telling you all since last week, but let's sum it up!

  • Phase 3 updates begin with the first July update! Our current Patron choice poll will run until Friday so please donate a vote in you're interested in participating!
  • Phase 3 will have a larger focus on animated battlers!
  • Lots of surprises and upgrades everywhere! (Which technically have already been announced in previous posts though haha)

I'll be sending out the Patron reward packs this thursday so keep an eye out in your inbox! Thanks for your support during June!I love you all! The continued growth of the Librarium asset library and the project as a whole wouldn't be possible without your interest!


(No title)



I wish static full resolution were also included in download :(