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This charged post will correspond to the September 2021 Second Update cycle content, which will eventually feature the following releases:

  • Librarium Statics - Exotic Plants
  • Librarium Statics - Enchanted Weapons
  • Librarium Animated  - Exotic Maneater Plant
  • Librarium Animated - Enchanted Weapon Golem

Please remember these will be released in segments through  the catch up bundle program, which aims to bring all Librarium releases up to date by October 15th!

Thanks for your support!



Oooh, those Sacred Beasts!! I freaking LOVE those. I ... can't chose a favourite, though!

James Marion

I am hopeful for tomorrow. So pumped!


So, today's the great day, i guess/hope.


October 15th has passed...

James Marion

whyyy I need my Librarium!!!!


Remember when we used to pay for assets and actually get them?


Unable to find anything to download since summer. Same for you ? I pay 10$/months. Is it becomming a scam ??


Aekashics have some health issues that prevent him to follow correctly the delivery schedule. We are all waiting for news and updates.


There was the "Librarium Catch Up Bundle Part 1!" below, it contains the static battlers for the last 3 month and announced the other missing stuff for a date that has now passed. No idea if anything other came up or why there was no new announcement, but I wouldn't call it a scam, Ækashics had a pretty bad time during the last months. But yeah, a new announcement would be nice, or maybe a split release of the content for a single month followed by the next, once it is ready.

James Marion

I want to curse Aekashics name, but what if he's dead or something.


I have no problems if this is getting delayed due to bad health, but it is kind of strange to "deliver" and take our money each month without providing what was paid for. Or at least some more communication would be appreciated from my side...


I don't know how much of Aekashic's income depends on patreon, and how much this income plays a part in his familiy's finances. It is possible that Aekashics, instead of resting, is trying to keep up with the quality and schedules of a time without health and family issues because he has no other choice. Perhaps would be better to create new patreon tiers for those who are willing to contribute regardless if Aekeshics is able to deliver that month or not. In this way we can have tiers that will be charged monthly regardless of delivery, and tiers that are only charged when there are content delivered that month. Not sure if that is possible... Patreon is not an assets market. It is a place to support artists, content creators, etc, to live of what they love doing. I will continue supporting, regardless if I get new assets every month or not. If Aekeshics can make a living as an artist, I am happy to help with that.


I'm this close to downloading what I need and then canceling. I mean, there's been issues but we should at least have an update on what happened.