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Hello everyone!

Apologies for worrying you and the radio silence, ever since being the one taking care of sick family members, I became sick myself and suffered from a real bad flu, luckily I tested negative for Covid but the recovery has been a real slow upward slope with particularly bad spikes despite the medication as my health is quite frail as is to begin with ,Good news is though, that I haven't allowed myself to stop just because of that!(Except the many days when migraine wouldn't let me be on the pc I guess orz) just progressing slower than I wish I were!

Reason for the radio silence is that I didn't want to make yet another announcement of me being sick again since I have been sick a lot already lately,instead I just wanted to quietly progress and suprise everyone with lots of new designs and monsters!

I really do feel these will be some of Librarium's best designs to date!

Regardless of the quality, I know you have been waiting for these releases for quite some time now, so I feel we need to get this ball rolling somehow, I am also sick of being behind with these and I feel if we keep on waiting until *all* the pending content is complete, they will continue to be far away, 

So right now where I am riding a -feeling relatively well- spike what's my plan?

This 30th I'll be releasing all these battlers (plus the ones not shown here and are currently in progress) in static format, And in the time after that, release the animated ones, and then the FV sprites, and then the associated reward set content. This will splash us hopefully until around October 15th or so, but fully caught up to begin that month, free of late work! (And hopefully back at full health!)

This plan contemplates the June, July, August and September content! (In case you are wondering the August content will use second place options from the July polls, and September will be choices of my own such as plant archetypes )

At this point I think this is the best way we can actually start seeing these designs rolling out and being used, rather than keeping them to previews!

My situation since the year began has been far from ideal but I refuse to give up! I am putting every single minute where I'm feeling energetic towards catching up with work, although the bouts with illness my family and I have had lately have resulted in a lot of delays on my end, I'm still here, my spirit and my ideas are very much alive.

I also appreciate those who have taken the time to reach out and message me, I haven't been checking my email because I was feeling that bad in recent weeks, but I will address that and answer your private messages starting today!

Stay tuned!




Thanks as always for your continued efforts, but I hope you remember that taking a month break to catch yourself is always an option. A full recovery is better than a half recovery that catches you up again later. Though of course everyone has their own feelings and circumstances for these things.


Glad to hear from you again. Your health always comes first <3 Fingers crossed as always for a good, full recovery!!


Good news! Health is the most important thing! You should give yourself plenty of rest! I still have enough patience to wait for your new works.


Maybe we can find another (temporary) way to work without the pressure to release monthly updates 😊


Glad to hear you're ok (well, in terms of nothing really bad happened, being sick even slightly is still no fun), was really starting to get worried there for a while! ^-^

James Marion

I want that werewolf 4 directional sprite. I can already smell it coming.