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Lets get voting!

I had to condense a few of the options in order to fit suggestions from more fellow patrons, if you don't see your suggestion in this pool this month you will see it in next month's rotation!

Legendary Knight Dante by Fyoha

Among the Legendary Knights, there are two siblings that were hand-picked by Pizarro to join them and help lead a campaign based on an assortment of studies on particular, magical arts and other fields of research and design. A foundation that is rumored to be responsible for the reason behind the dark, arcane powers that are harnessed by each member, disciple, and soldier alike. These two siblings are known as Dante and Jeanne. Dante, the older brother of Jeanne, is a wizard rumored to be gifted with using magic that enables extraplanar activity to cross dimensions with his own. He is well adept in a particular array of conjuration arts such as summonings, opening portals, creating seals and banishing foes. Although Dante may have the intellect to win a battle with magic alone, he still doesn't mind infusing his armor and weapons with magical enhancing properties to get the edge over his opponents in a melee encounter... or perhaps as an insurance policy in case one of his summons turns on him.

Berserker Slime by Gregaur-X

We already have 5 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Berserker use two Axes, of course. He may be Red (maybe dark Red). He can wear some barbaric stuff too.

Pre-legendary Knight Regulus by Anonfox93

Animated update to Pre-legendary Knight Regulus Name: Pre-legendary Knight Regulus Description behind the creature: With the successful slaying of Ptolemaios, a now visibly irritated Regulus stood before the King. The King nervously assured Regulus he would only have one last task to complete, to acquire a special jewel known as the Heart of Gaia. Regulus traveled to the location of the jewel but when he approached he was stopped by the Titan Dynamo. Sensing a pure heart and a noble purpose, Dynamo transformed into an exact copy of the young man challenging him in single combat. After a long and arduos battle the Titan yielded and gifted the young man a replica of the jewel. When Regulus returned to the Throneroom the king ran over and greedily grabbed the jewel from his hands while barking orders from his servants to release his parents immediately. However their reunion was cut short as King's advisors warned a pair of warriors were approaching the castle. The king quickly asked Regulus if hee could dispose of these trespassers, to which he agreed.

Dual dagger animated character by Digital WF

Let’s help complete librarium animated RPG class fellas! We have a lot of class already made like swordman, knight, hunter, gunner, spearman, mage, witches, brawler, but the Librarium animated does not have a dual dagger animated class at all! I have picked two from the static character and I hope it can get enough vote to complete the RPG class categories.

Eaglebear by Rye_Breaded_Cooder Basically an Owlbear, but an eagle instead! Body of a bear, head of an eagle. The bear's body could have a feathery down running across its back, turning into bear fur the further back you go. The Eaglebear possesses a pair of wings, but the creature itself is grounded, only really using them for elevated jumps and agile backwards movement. The creature would be sized more appropriately to that of a medium-level enemy. Bear-sized, basically. It could have three attacks: A bite - well, a peck, really; a forward lunge or swipe; and one in which it stamps its foot and screeches - could be used for inflicting status effects or what have you. Initially, I put this forward as an owlbear, but then I wasn't sure about ripping straight from DnD, so this is the final edit: eaglebears! More ferocious-looking, too.

Elizabeth, Envoy of Apocalypse by Ray

In light of recent events, I would love to see a younger version of Queen Elizabeth in a battle armor that retains the majestic detailed garment of royalty but with a more menacing Darth Vader-like overtone, without completely making the whole outfit just black. It would also be fitting if she is surrounded by spiritual dark red/purple hounds.

Mad Scientist Goblin by Owen Jarvis

A crazed goblin scientist who has invented a serum that can cause him to mutate into a larger, mutated form. He would have a basic form in which he uses conventional technological weapons like guns, missiles or maybe even a laser cannon, and a mutant form where he abandons his weapons to use his massive arms to slam his target into a pulp. The doctor form would have a civilized and dignified demeanor, (perhaps he is arrogant and proud of his inventions?) while his mutant form would be a wild, crazed berserker. The general theme behind the enemy would be a steampunk theme as that fits best with traditional goblin technology. A good reference you may wish to use is N.Brio from Crash Bandicoot.

Sheeples Creatures by Owen Jarvis

Sheep-based beastpeople (like how a Sahagin is a ‘fish-person’) Perhaps a cute Sheeple mage and a cute ranger, and then a fearsome ram warrior?

Azul, the Sage of the Wind by KrimsonKatt

An old man with a long white beard and wearing flowing white robes with some blue sections on them who uses wind magic. Green magic circles exist past his hands shooting out wind magic and he possesses massive white feathery wings.

Baetylus, the Archon of Wrath by KrimsonKatt

A massive living brown and red meteor with a face who emits fire off of it's edges and has a fire trail leading off of it. Sorta looks like a bomb from Final Fantasy.

Slime God by KrimsonKatt

A gigantic tear-drop shaped slime with a sage-like mustache who wears a multi-layered platinum crown covered in gemstones and possesses two hands made out of smaller slimes.

Conglomerate Hive Queen by Alexander Digiacomo

The Broodmother of the Conglomerates. the Conglomerate Hive Queen is a gigantic Lion's Mane Jellyfish crossed with a Sea-Anemone, too corpulent to move freely and quickly like her drones. Her anemone like apendages are deceivingly fast and deadly, for even though the Conglomerate Hive Queen is barely mobile and well defended by her brood, she is more than capable of defending herself if something manages to get too close. She normally remains hidden deep in dark trenches, with a dedicated

Cyber-Assassin by zombie toast

A powerful cybernetic assassin beneath a superficially human disguise. A woman with short hair dressed in a modern business suit and a pair of black gloves. The only outward sign of her nature is pale skin and expressionless eyes. Her weapons are internal, extending hidden blades from beneath her sleeves in addition to a more basic punch or kick. One or both hands can be transformed into a powerful cannon-like weapon for special attacks.

Desert Villager NPCS by Raven Burns

Desert Villagers wrapped in protective brown/grey robes/garb- face coverings etc. Maybe some goggles that don't look too modern. I believe this will be another great addition to any project- just like the snow villager NPCs.

Harlev, the psychopomp by SiGxGiS

Psychopomps are creatures from the afterlife who guides the lost souls of the dead to the afterlife. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopomp ) Harlev is a rather young one with only a few thousand years of work experience. He is rather calm and expresses rarely his emotions. Appearance: Harlev is slim and rather tall. He wears a long coat which is on one side black with white stitches and the other side is white with black stitches. A hood covers the eyes and nose that only his mouth is exposed. In one hand he holds a long stick with a lamp on the end which turns in combat into a spear. In the other hand he has a spirit-chain which can bind rampaging souls or souls who want to escape from him.

Sakura The Spring Spirit by Ray

Spring has come, so has the warm breeze and blossom of vividly colored fields. Sakura embodies the playful, multi-colored, bright presence that Spring brings. In an RPG, she would be that beautiful, helpful, adventure-giving guide that makes you look forward to starting every new quest. Appearance: A pink-haired girl dressed in multi-colored or pink traditional Spring kimono with intricate floral patterns, carrying an oil-paper umbrella and surrounded by petals of cherry blossom link for reference: (https://www.deviantart.com/karei026/art/Sakuragirl-Contest-Entry-527027509)

Actor (X71) by GiantHurtBall

Human/Slime Name: Actor (X71). Actor is a shapeshifter created to be a doppelganger for his maker. Actor has poor combat abilities, which he can mitigate his lack of combat skill with a vast array of copied skills that he has seen. Actor can even mimic someone's voice and appearance to a masterful level. He wears white ceremonial E combat clothes and a mask with colourful designs. see reference Below https://gyazo.com/bfd94fb503f25b3031b7071546104b18 Animations Gun pistol Attack Green Spark like a thunder skill An animation to show a transformation

Nova (Blue Queen) by GiantHurtBall

One of the four queens created by sheyo to serve as her lieutenants, each queen has vast magical powers and has high combat abilities. She dislikes draw out fights and can control/poison enemies with her pollen. A human with insect-like features. See the reference picture below. https://gyazo.com/37977778488517dc98695e8fdbb3c04b Reference picture all rights reserved. Animations: Idle wing flags Pollen from wings Flying Tackle Hand forward and blue/purple cloud form that is blasted at foes

Man-Eating Plants by GiantHurtBall

Normal-type Colour Pink Petals. Fire-type Colour Red Petals. Parasite-type Colour Yellow Petals (plant/beast hybrid).

T1000Rex and Science Goon Leader by GiantHurtBall

A Trex with cyborg legs and body (armour and support for cannon and missiles) and tail. The main cannon on the back and the missile launchers on the sides. Science Goon leader is riding on Trex neck. Science goon leader is an older man with a white beard, as most genius have and a white lab coat. Animations Main cannon fire Roar Missiles Stomp Rider points

Griffin / Griffon / Gryphon by Vuono87

A griffin is a creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and sometimes an eagle's talons as its front feet.

The Conqueror by Vuono87

Human / Giant. A giant of a man with a large and imposing figure. his body is littered with scars from battle. he has long silver hair (mid back). His upper body is only protected by a large pauldron worn over his right shoulder and a pair of bracers on his forearms. the strap from the pauldron runs across his chest and back that connects to his belt. on his lower body he wears a heavy leather kilt, it's made of various creatures hides. he also wears a set of boots and/or greaves. (most is not all of his armor is made of heavy leathers) His weapon is a massive sword shaped like a dragons fang. as big as it is he wields it with incredible ease having fast and rapid attacks. he can also channel magic through the weapon pointing at his foes and unleashing a pulse of magic energy.

Cyber-Assassin by zombie toast

A woman with short hair dressed in a modern business suit and a pair of black gloves. The only outward sign of her nature is pale skin and expressionless eyes. Her weapons are internal, extending hidden blades from beneath her sleeves in addition to a more basic punch or kick. One or both hands can be transformed into a powerful cannon-like weapon for special attacks.


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