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Hey guys! A quick update! as I told you the other day the second april update will consist of a smaller followup update where I'll do a battler which while directly connected to a previous release, is quite different and caters to different user needs!

 I'm talking about the Vampire! Initially I released Drakenvamp which is in fact the Demonic vampire form of this humanoid Vampire, Count Drakos! But unfortunately as he used up the vampire slot for that poll result, I was waiting for a chance to release him, which has finally presented itself!

Tomorrow I'll be bundling his front, sideview mirror,icon and full-resolution PSD for you all! Thank you for supporting the Librarium during April and remember, we'll open up the may cycle with the release of Animated Lamia, Snake and Succubus on May 10th!

As usual, The snake and succubus will be new designs, rather than reusing Lariatt and Serpens! Look forward to it!


(No title)



He looks pretty cool. I like that idea of using him in a two tier fight with the Drakenvamp battler. awesome work.


:D he looks perfect!! Loove his pose/expression, would form a really awesome 2 part boss :3. Looking forward to the 2 new designs you'll have for those :D.


wow,nice art dude,keep doing it,for the next time,please draw some loli <333


Which rtp character do you think would be best suited as one? Just my curiosity.


i like vampires but not much as skeletons....because they are skelefun (╯✧∇✧)╯


There will surely be more incoming! I want to do a bone dragon at some point!