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We wrap up March 2021 with another round of previews, now expanding to all the archetypes the March 2021 suggestions covered!

You can look forward to the batch release of these battlers tomorrow as usual!

This month was packed with a variety of humanoids, and it will also feature a visit to the orcish archetype, which hadn't gotten a release following the new Librarium Quality standards!

Worth noting this canvas is missing another 2 orcs and another 2 mermaids that will be available in tomorrow's release!

I will now be making the charged posts for these releases!

Overall I am happy with the visual results achieved this month and I hope you will find these releases useful at any point of your game's or idea's development!

Please look forward to the batch release and then to the associated reward set content due on the 10th!




The mermaid looks great, looking forward to seeing the other two ^-^