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Hello and good morning!

Rather than midnight I was able to wrap up the February 2021 Base Releases Batch download a few hours later! Thanks for your patience!

You can now download the February 2021 releases!

Overall I feel these releases set a new standard for Librarium in terms of quality, I hope you will feel inspired by the February 2021 content!

Some preview reels for the Animated releases!





I will be making a proper February Cycle Wrap up post, answering messages and comments later today so stay tuned! 

You can also look forward to the associated reward sets to these releases on the 10th as usual!

In the meantime, once again thanks a ton for your patience and understanding!

Download it today!




Great!Can't wait to use it in my game!

Josiah MacDonald

These look awesome! Glad to be able to support the good work.


Do we have an update on the related reward sets?


Hello Cali! they are still being worked on, I was planning to make a post later today, basically announcing I'll have them completed by tomorrow, this month we have 16 distinct creatures and mant of them were huuuge , https://gyazo.com/4ff95f0d3d88e668c5b62d82ecf40c3b primarily the ones found herem so their sprite and animation work was more ellaborate than usual! You can be certain they are being worked on however!