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I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!

Today I have managed to wrap up the design for Thunder Dragon Tcharg as suggested by Gregaur-X and I must say it was a real challenge, but I am happy with how it turned out! 

Elemental Dragon V - Thunder 5th step into the element dragon universe: Tcharg is the Dragon of skies and thunder. He is yellow. He has 2 heads, postive and negative. His back is cover by lightning rod he can charge to create a devasting attack.

With Librarium Dragons in recent times I have been seeking to go for visually distinctive routes compared to what we have had so far, With Tcharg I saw an oportunity for a very melee oriented dragon, where I traded some of the suggested elements in favor of others for a more regal look, I'm sure animating it will be a challenge, but that's what makes these special after all!

Do you like how Thunder Dragon Tcharg looks?

Please look forward to its release and the next design preview!

Stay tuned!
