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This is a repost of the previous post, which seems to have a bug of sorts where it doesn't load up the page! Hopefully this one won't have that issue!

As promised here is the packaged bundled containing the Librarium static releases for both November 2020 update cycles!

Really happy with how all creatures turned out this month, can't wait to see them in your projects!

As also mentioned yesterday, Librarium Animated releases will be posted up today in their respective individual release posts so that they can be showcased better with sample implementation gifs and the like!

Download it today!



Any plans to animate these? A few of them would REALLY work for the game I’m building but I need them in dragon bones.


Will we have 4-Way map sprites as well?


That is correct! Every Librarium release for the featured month receives a 4 direction sprite as part of the Dragon Tier rewards, which are delivered on the 7th of the next month in relation to the running month!In this case the 4dir map sprites to these and the Librarium Animated november releases will be delivered on December 7th, let me know if you have any other question!


You can suggest any individual creature from any Librarium release to be animated! :D It will go into our polls if it is suggested for animation, let me know if you need a link for the suggestion box!( Id link it right now but patreon is loading particularly slow today)