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Good night!

Tonight we wrap up the winner picks for our November 2020 update cycles!

First Update Cycle

  • Denira, the Cithaerion Lioness by Anonfox93
  • Darkness Dragon Yrogerg by Gregaur-X
  • Baby Animals by Blue Dragon
  • Will-o-wisps by Raven Burns

Second Update Cycle

  • Gigandeath Volcanica - Tyrant of the Mountains by Damian Castaway
  • Gharl’Worn the Drowned one by Charles W.
  • Labors of Regulus by Anonfox93
  • Heraldic Knights by David Tepfer

Thanks for suggesting and voting!

I'll be doing some update work regarding the batch libraries and unpublished previous  reward sets before tackling these, but you can expect these to start rolling out in this coming week!

Stay tuned!



Can't wait to see them!


Sad mine didn't win but I will like the ones that come out nevertheless :)