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I still need to fine tweak some last details with the map sprites and pack these up for individual release!

Unfortunately even though I felt we had a great start calendar wise  with Mordred and Jeanne, Health and some personal issues kicked in impacting on my projected plans to wrap our content in a speedier manner, that said however I decided not to sacrifice the quality of designs and illustration work, and I really feel illustration wise this is Librarium's strongest month to date!

Zodiac Maidens IV wrap up  the archetype this month with a bonus release, bringing the total of battlers created this month to 17!

For the Travelling merchants archetype I decided to try a brand new approach! Theme the release around a merchant character, in this case the one we see above, accompanied  by her camel and also her multi purpose storage rack perfect for transporting merch, setting up a quick shop stand or also providing some defense, though it isn't like this merchant cant put up a good gunslinging fight by herself as her gun hints!

The ever growing Eldritch corruption archetype receives a new update, bringing more humanoid characters to their ranks as our suggestion this month requested!

The Feral horde expansion allows us to bring into this month the classic power creep mob , along some interesting design suggestions!

Last but not least, the two pending Librarium animated releases, bringing more variety to our boss pool! I was originally going to make the Serpent Snek a battler along the lines of Librarium Animated release Snake Meltera, however upon reading the suggestion prompt again I understood the suggestion was for it to be quite similar to the Branchiosaurus in terms of effect and size, and looking more like a basilisk, arriving to what we see above!

I think what I'll do tonight is to release this as a classic Month Bundle Pack around midnight, and then tomorrow, November 1st, I will have the individual releases up and running like in previous instances!

As always thanks for your support and patience, I hope you will enjoy these releases!

Charged posts will be made now to prevent issues with timezones, but you can look forward to the timeline established above!

Do you see a design you like the most in particular? Let me know!

Stay tuned!



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 18:55:59 The Merchant really makes me want to do a side-scrolling RPG like Indivisible!! <3
2020-11-01 10:31:49 The Merchant really makes me want to do a side-scrolling RPG like Indivisible!! <3

The Merchant really makes me want to do a side-scrolling RPG like Indivisible!! <3