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Once again many new and interesting suggestions this month! Pick the ones you would like to see materialized!

Soulless One by Luckie17

Ancient ethereal creature-being that absorbs the souls of other beings to give itself eternal life. It is surrounded by a blueish-white flame-light of all the souls its collected in its desiccated and decaying blackish-grey body. Figure almost looks human but with exposed ribs\chest where the flame-light shows through. Creature has no legs and hovers over the ground, with long thin arms, big hands, with skeletal claw like fingers.

Snat, or, C'nake by Alexander Giacomo

It's a cat-snake, body of a snake, head of a cat, an optimum amount of fluffy belly, and a vicious predator.

Dr. Mechanik by Daryl Crawford

Considered to be one of the most intelligent and most sinister scientist of his age, Dr. Mechanik is obsessed with adding metal and gears to everything and everyone, Determined to create an empire of mechanical people with he as their sovereign.

Gharl’Worn the Drowned one by Charles W.

Eldritch Corrupted Deep-Sea Turtle

One of the ancient deep-sea turtles they try to preserve knowledge and surface to give aid to whoever they can. Unfortunately, when the eldritch energies starting seeping into the world Gharl’Worn was too late when she was too late to save anyone. Before she could dive into the depths to plan Yoggoth attacked seeing an opportunity. The fight took time as Yoggoth had trouble penetrating her old and powerful shell but eventually sapped her strength. She has now become her champion of the depths preventing any escape or help from sea. The eldritch energy stripped her face of all features except a smooth black pulsing skin. Her Jaws are even sharper with rows of mini jaws inside. Her once beautiful strong shell now has each scute transformed into either a piercing greenish purple eye or a horrific mouth ringed with teeth. There seems to be no pattern as some scutes have clusters of eyes or mouths while others have eyes separated by mouths. Worst of all her fins and her tail have been split and ripped into many tentacles. She now uses these tentacles to traverse the water quicker than ever before. Just like a normal turtle these tentacles can retract fully into its shell which she uses to surprise many who stumble upon her. The few fishermen who have survived an encounter tell tales of seamen grabbed by the tentacles and thrown into the mouths on its shells or even the shell mouths creating whirlpools by sucking in mass amounts of water.

Nutsy, Defiler of the Forest by OMGerm

Frenzied, gargantuan squirrel with seed & nut manipulation-based powers.

A super cute, yet droolingly-maniacal and gigantic rodent belched upon the world from the depths of the Forest’s most-inner bowels. Its head is deformed, its eyes bulging, and its skeletal structure mangled: all unfortunate side-effects of its seemingly unending and uneven growth-spurts. A foul stench permeates the air in its presence making it almost impossible to breathe; its nut-crushing prowess unrivaled. Perpetually focused on its unending quest for more nuts, Nutsy knowns no pain greater than that of an empty squirrel-stomach. Its putrid den is littered with both an unending number of nut-carcasses and haughty heaps of dismembered bodies: those faux-heroes foolish enough to wander too far into the Forest, or too enchanted by the need to stroke the visage of a long-lost and fluffy friend.

Undead Vampiric Ghoul By Hakan

This concept is a truly wild creature. Sharp claws, long and sharp teeth,a gray fur,a slightly curved spine.(like Jockey in Left 4 Dead)It would be nice to see some traces of his victims on his body with an angry and brutal facial expression. If this image is supported by roaring, biting and 2 Claw motions, I would be very pleased.All the best!

Gigandeath Volcanica - Tyrant of the Mountains by Damian Castaway

Like the previous Gigandeath, this one takes the basic shape of a spiked tyrannosaurus, except this one has tiny volcanic crags running along its back rather than spikes. Rather than the white albino tone of the Plains Gigandeath, Gigandeath Volcanica has hardened gray skin and yellow eyes rather than the red eyes of the plains version. Gigandeath Volcanica are a far more dangerous species of Gigandeath that live in volcanic and tropical regions and enjoy making their territory on volcanic mountains and other warm regions. Unlike the plains variation which eat meat exclusively, these massive beasts also consume ores in their diet which makes the crags on their backs harder. Due to this however they are also slower than their cousins so they tend to just attack livestock and adventurers since they can't catch fast prey which makes them a real problem

Slime Ninja by Gregaur-X

We already have 5 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Ninja use Kunai. He may be Grey . He can wear a Mask.

Shield Knightess Bridomart by Anonfox93

A giant heavily armored woman wielding tower shields as her weapon(s). Completely covered in armor with exception of her head revealing the pale freckled face with red hair going down to her shoulders.

Drekth The Goblin Beast Master

A master at taming beasts, is similar in design to the goblin champion but rides a wyvern and is able to use fire magic his weapon of choice is a whip.

Savage Bear Gladiator Polarus by Damian Castaway

A warrior of the cold-lands akin to Ravus, but from a warring tribe who competes for the colder territories of the worlds. Polarus is slightly different in build from Ravus as he is more slender and his back is in an upright posture. He wields a two-handed Greatsword made of Ice so thick that no furnace could melt it, and having great pride in his skills as a gladiator, he relies on no armor but his tough skin to support him in battle. He does however equip his Lucky Helmet which was his fathers and has been ceremonially worn to many challenges in the arena. The Helmet is silver, with spikes jetting down the center from the forehead to the neck like a mowhawk. Polarus' Left eye is scarred over and he has a steel jaw allowing him to break the limbs of his foes with his already deadly bite!

Black Soul Knight by Donald Hounnankan

It is the spirit form of a black knight that sworn loyalty to protect a kingdom. It wear a full set of a heavy black armor (Helmet that cover all the head and face + armor+ boot + a white large worn fabric at the hips over the armor), he use a heavy sword with runic inscriptions on it as a one hand weapon. He have the possibility to summon simple knight due to the skill leadership. He can evolve and become a black soul knight that can use 2 heavy sword or one sword and a light shield.

Giant Serpent Snek by Damian Castaway

A large snake (For a sense of scale there could be just the head created to give it a larger than life scope, like its so big it cant fit on screen) who uses paralysis based attacks using its eyes (theyll flash different colours based on different skills such as yellow for petrification, red for any fire based spells, etc) and it would have a few bite based attacks. It would have incredibly thick skin and some small horns protruding from above the eyes.

Animated updated to wildcard grunt battler by Michael Posada

I would like to see more Dragonbones "basic" enemies, like a skeleton, goblin, or spirit. Perhaps taking some existing "grunt battlers" and giving them an animated treatment?

The Originator by SiGxGiS

An animated version of the released bonus battler - The Originator

Suki the water spirit by GiantHurtBall

Suki is a water spirit that fled from the Yuu's old kingdom before the God Osiris took over she now lives in the Steam village peacefully with the humans there. Providing water element magic for the villagers there. She wears casual light-coloured fantasy clothes and has the appearance of a female elf. Although she doesn't need to wear clothes, finds she fits in more, if she mimics human clothing. Clothing idea ref: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/393431717429635662/ if above not viewable https://gyazo.com/3e29a0ba00095714189211f6f9249a5c (imagine white maybe soft blues or yellow instead of black) Animations Summons a rain cloud over the battle. She becomes water like so he battler would go transparent blue, or she chants with water swirling around her. Water Ball as a projectile.

Corrupted Teddy Bear Ura Get by GiantHurtBall

Stuff toyed that has been inhabited by a particular demon created by a failed experiment that Ogmios conducted to implant clones of himself into demons to control them. This demon has grown and corrupted the stuffed toy. He disguises himself as a regular teddy bear that consumes unguarded humans he, also fears Wukai and Yuu. Looking wise, he is a brown teddy bear, with black tentacles coming out of one arm and his back. Standing at five foot tall, his stuffing has turned into a moving sea of black with pink dots. Animations Tentacles swipe Dark claws Opens chest to reveal dark mass (chant)

Mountain Peacock update by SiGxGiS

Updated version of the Mountain Peacock released way back in 2017.

Alpha Feral Hunter by Gregaur-X

Alpha if you vote for the pack, you want to see its leader! The Alpha Ferra Hunter! Of course it’s a bigger Ferral Hunter. He also has glands to project poison. One of his two blades is bigger, the second is broken. He may have some scar on his body due to the conflicts he had to gain his place. His tail also has a blade. He is older than the other hunter and may be a less white than the younger.

Skinweaver by Ashlee Vella-Croft

A mage that uses forbidden magic to raise the dead.

Piece Knight by Clint Russell

Description 1): The creature is composed entirely of random body parts used in different ways to show the usual human shape- arms placed side by side up the torso so they look similar to ribs and their fingers interlock at the sternum or spine. It has heads/faces forming the rounded shoulders, an oversized right arm laying down on the ground and 2 left arms reaching up in front of it with wanting, it's head is multiple faces bubbling up from its shoulders with mouths agape and hollow eyes. Description 2): a mound of flesh with all manner of limbs sticking out of it making it feel like it was formed with no thought or reason put into it. Think of maybe a spider comprised entire of human parts. Eight human legs. Eight small human faces with eyes set in their open mouths sitting on a body made of a segmented torso. Or just a big ball of veiny and pulsing flesh. The animation options here have a lot of potential with multi-handed grab attacks, fleshy cartwheels, trample attacks, or a repel attack that leaves the screen and pounces on the party.

Performer of chinese peking opera (huadan花旦) Qingrengui by 姜鸭 泡

She wears a pink embroidered robe, the second layer sleeve is white and have some length .That pink robe it self looks like a Chinese QiPao but it is designed specifically for peking opera. She have her hair held up with silver decorations which resemble flowers, she wears white makeup on her face and pink eye shadow around her eyes. She is slim and have black hair when she attack she stab with her paper folding fan which shoot hidden needle in a certain direction.


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