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Here is the poll for the Second Update Cycle Librarium Static Picks!

Let's check it out!     

Warrior Gorillas by Daniel Di Lena


Rat Pack by Nyght

Regular Rat, Plague Rat, Eldritch Rat Freakin Rats, man.

 'Gators by Antilurker 77

A ferocious alligator and crocodile. 

Garden Gnomes by Jeremy Zinser

Any of the following:

 1: Gnome. It's a small red-hatted garden gnome exactly as you'd expect, with an angry expression and balled fists; presumably he attacks with either said fists or Earth magic. 2: Gnome Gnight. A gnome with a hat made of metal, clad in heavy wooden armor and armed with a giant gardening rake that's three times his size. 3: Gnome Wizard. This gnome has a brim around his hat, a robe instead of the usual getup, and a staff topped with a rock and covered in vines. 4: Gnome Horde. Four smaller gnomes that attack as one. 5: Giga Gnome! An enormous battle tank shaped like a gnome, complete with rocket fists! Its hat is a cannon and it shoots laser beams out of its mouth! There's a cockpit visible in the eyes where you can see that the Giga Gnome is piloted by a regular gnome.

 Chainblade Warriors by Mr. Ryan Clapham

These warriors are known for their ability to swing around their chains and grab ahold of their opponents. Whipping the weapon back would create deep cuts in the victim's hide and tear them open.  Appearance isn't so hulking-brutish but more of a muscly, skilled fighter. For reference, I would like to say that my enemy inspiration for this all comes from the antagonist, Kai, from 'Kung Fu Panda 3'. He was an awesome villain and I wanted to have something like those in my RPG Maker game. I would also love to see a boss version. Thanks! 

 Modern Fighters (SWAT-like team) by Sarah R. 

Creatures you would like to see within those packs: We've got post-modern fighters (who are v cool in their own right) but we skipped over more current enemies that people could be facing. I'm thinking a tank-type behind a riot shield, a sniper, an infiltrator (maybe with a drone?) who could do more support techniques, and a more generic guy with a pistol and/or rifle. Either androgynous or a 50/50 mix of male and female fighters is preferred :3 EDIT forgot to talk about coloration! Blacks and greys are probably more "standard" but it could be fun to have the team be in a less-seen color in the battlers, like with a bright blue or purple accent on mostly silver? I just really love huge pops of color in a palette!

 Feral Hunter Horde by Gregaur-X

Hord The #929 feral hunter was really cool! But alone, it’s kind of sad, or not badass enough. We need some more! Those 3 new ones will have the same color and common element with the #929 feral hunter. But will have some different ways to fight. - The sickly: a small and vicious hunter. He is the main minion in the horde. - The scout: This one has bigger back legs to jump on the enemies. - The poison shooter: The vicious monster uses some glands to shoot poison to his targets. That may be useful to slowdown the pack’s pray.

 Internal Battle! By Israel Perez

If it's not too much to ask I'd like to see creatures based off various baterica, virus, ect.


Stationary Creatures by Clint Russell

Battlers that are stationary in some way. 

Caged animals and demons. 

Caged spirits or tentacled demons that though contained, can still reach out to attack those who get to too close. 


Modern Gang Members by Somewhat Eclectic

A collection of thugs that visually fit into a modern setting. Ideally with a couple different weapon types (knife, chain, pistol, etc).

Obelisks. Tall stones made of onyx carved into specific geometric patterns with a single or few carved symbols from which liquified arcane force runs out like blood from an open wound. 

Blessed Standing Stones. Shorter, but stout rocks of alabaster haphazardly covered entirely in runes by a desperate madman. Or plain pillar of marble whose magic nature is denoted by the glowing runes encircling it on the ground or in mid air. 

Witches hanging in a gibbet, trapped in skin-tight iron clasps, hanging from a hastily constructed wooden hang-man's arm, spouting magic spells or summoning small demons to attack passersby. 

Undead Impaled soldiers who have failed in their holy crusade, they were impaled as a warning to any foes who might attack and though they cannot wander away, they are brought back to unlife again to wield spears or swords at any who get too close


Evil Hospital Personal by SiGxGiS

Every RPG has some sort of healing for the group of heroes, as the Inn or an hospital. But what would happen if the personal that’s supposed to help you, went evil and try to attack you? The head doctor tries to slice you up with his scalpel, the nurses tries to inject you some kind of viruses and the people who are based in the hospital try to bite and dismember you.

Imentesh by Donald HOUNNANKAN

The lower body of this serpentine creature looks like a large snake, but has a human torso and a bird's head and talons. As missionaries of Chaos and heralders of the future dissipation of reality, imenteshs are the protens that one meets most often outside Limbo. Despite their propensity to talk and their elegant behavior, the entropic goals of imenteshs are never far from their thoughts. This inherent insanity is easily perceptible in the feeble telepathic murmur that constantly surrounds them and threatens at any moment to tip the weaker minds into dementia. An imentesh is 4.50 meters long and weighs 600 kg. 


Ikwiikwii adventurers by Seshiro Loint

Ikwiikwii are small owl-like humanoid, their wings are too short for them to fly. They are quite cute, shy but are formidable warriors. In this pack, there's a warrior, a mage, a cleric and a thief.

 Crazy Horses by Saulo Millerr Schiavone

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Horses and unicorns ferals.


Merozalghi Annointed by Eric Sprague

The Merozalghi, also called Eaters, Raveners or the Gluttonous Ones, are the progeny of the mad wizard/monster/god Merogar. The Annointed are the nobles of their kind. They are tall, hulking bipeds covered in quills with a spiky, leathery, shell-like carapace, gliding flaps beneath their arms and four long clawed tentacles under the edges of their shell. They have horns and sawtooth-like teeth, and drool copiously. 

Merozalghu Soldier (in armor with a nasty spear), Merozalghu Priest (in light armor with a censer), Merozalghu Officer (in ornate armor with a pair of maces).

 Modern Psychics by Jeaceb

modern day students or suits with psychic auras. Some with different auras like fire water or just energy


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