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Here is the poll for the Second Update Cycle Librarium Animated Picks!

Let's check it out!  

Performer of chinese peking opera (huadan花旦) Qingrengui by 姜鸭 泡

She wears a pink embroidered robe, the second layer sleeve is white and have some length .That pink robe it self looks like a Chinese QiPao but it is designed specifically for peking opera. She have her hair held up with silver decorations which resemble flowers, she wears white makeup on her face and pink eye shadow around her eyes. She is slim and have black hair when she attack she stab with her paper folding fan which shoot hidden needle in a certain direction.

Mountain Peacock update by SiGxGiS

Updated version of the Mountain Peacock released way back in 2017.

Alpha Feral Hunter by Gregaur-X

Alpha if you vote for the pack, you want to see its leader! The Alpha Ferra Hunter! Of course it’s a bigger Ferral Hunter. He also has glands to project poison. One of his two blades is bigger, the second is broken. He may have some scar on his body due to the conflicts he had to gain his place. His tail also has a blade. He is older than the other hunter and may be a less white than the younger.

Animated updated to wildcard grunt battler by Michael Posada

I would like to see more Dragonbones "basic" enemies, like a skeleton, goblin, or spirit. Perhaps taking some existing "grunt battlers" and giving them an animated treatment?

Cyran of the Lost Sands by John Bechard

Cyran is the last remaining survivor of the Lost Sands tribe. He was the most mighty warrior from the tribe, and, as such, wears armor adorned with markings of his tribe and golden markings for each of the enemies he has bested on the battlefield.

MadDoctor Inspired Battler by SiGxGiS

Animated version of the RPG Maker static enemy “SF_MadDoctor”.

Eleanor Royal Mage by sans69

Eleanor, is a powerful and fiery noble mage. She can use almost all elemental and combine them, her book is floating next to her, she also has the ability to use a magic sword to fight at close range when she is forced to

Giant Serpent Snek by Damian Castaway

A large snake (For a sense of scale there could be just the head created to give it a larger than life scope, like its so big it cant fit on screen) who uses paralysis based attacks using its eyes (theyll flash different colours based on different skills such as yellow for petrification, red for any fire based spells, etc) and it would have a few bite based attacks. It would have incredibly thick skin and some small horns protruding from above the eyes.

Holy knight Arthur by Sans69

Arthur is a brave and virtuous man. He is the king members of the Round Table and his helm sparkles in the sunlight. Arthur doesn't only use excalibur as weapon: he is also able to use the holy spear Rhongomyniad and is able to holy magic.

 The Originator by SiGxGiS

An animated version of the released bonus battler - The Originator

God Raquel by GiantHurtBall

aquel the God of misfortune, karma and Luck little is known about this secretive God. Followers of this God enjoy the benefits of being protected from the law and other gods. Raquel hides in the capital covering actors and politicians to become his followers to give power in one form or another, Raquel even goes as far as to free criminals if they should wish to join him. The God appears as a large mask (half happy half sad on the mask) with arms with clown-like clothing with white gloves Yellow glowing eyes. Animation Wiggle fingers (magic hex) Present bomb or dice roll Hand out (for magic offensive or guard)

Bunny Girl Zola by GiantHurtBall

She wears a light blue kimono with patterns on it. Look wise she is like the bunny from the Zootopia with white fur but tall as a human. A support character meant for cheering her team and healing she is a kind character always looking out for her team mates. Animations She jumps up and down A little dance cheer Chant healing Simple kick

Pandawun The heavenly by Donald Hounnankan

Pandawun is a huge panda and former monk who attained the salvation of the Buddha level. Today he is the largest Buddha representation by a panda within his community. He has a huge belly on which is encircled by inscription faith in Indian symbol (written in a gold color) .In sitting on a huge pinkish lotus flower, at his neck a necklace of big pearl and carrying on these hands in a Buddhist prayer position a string of red pearls ending not two large yellow pearl. These eyes always closed to show his state of constant meditation. On the forehead a red circle showing his Buddha status. These attacks consist of three main points: - Meditation: to increase the stats of defense, luck, attack and magic defense, for this attack the lotus flower serving as a chair lights up. - Buddha's palm: a striking of a hand made of energy of light leaving the palm of Pandawun, here the animation consists in making join the two hands of Pandawun between it as in position of prayer. - Sacred Lotus Defense: A huge white lotus flower appears upright for protected Pandawun in this action Pandawun has both arms stretched forward showing these palms of hands.

Insect Bee from your static battler pool by Erobos

Description behind the creature: Nothing more than what you have already done with the static version. Your Static battler are pretty nice and I think they are well worth being anymated. 

Glocktopus by Pudding earl

Bio-Engineered (or perhaps mechanical) floating octopus whose 8 tentacles all function on various weapons, such as guns, rocket launchers, swords, etc.

A strange aquatic entity who has transcended the standard conventions of life. Unlike normal octopuses, this one strives not only to dominate the sea, but also the land, air, and universe. Armed with eight unique, well, *arms*, the Glocktopus hunts its prey not with silly tactics like ink and tentacle strangling, but with various weapons of modern warfare, which have been genetically engineered directly into its glorious tentacles.

Skinweaver by Ashlee Vella-Croft

A mage that uses forbidden magic to raise the dead.

Crocoknight by Fyoha

An animated remake of the Crocoknight which can be found in 'Megapack II Creatures' from the "June 2018 First Update Cycle". Perhaps he could make for a worthy boss/leader/alpha for the other three Crocodile Warriors (Mage/Paladin/Rogue). Could spark some backstory ideas such as "Pack Leader of a cistern-dwelling bandit society that thrives on raiding and intercepting caravans. With his axe, armor, and ferocious jaws, he has no problem leading the raid against some of the most well-guarded traveling merchants and their escorts."

Suki the water spirit by GiantHurtBall 

Suki is a water spirit that fled from the Yuu's old kingdom before the God Osiris took over she now lives in the Steam village peacefully with the humans there. Providing water element magic for the villagers there. She wears casual light-coloured fantasy clothes and has the appearance of a female elf. Although she doesn't need to wear clothes, finds she fits in more, if she mimics human clothing. Clothing idea ref: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/393431717429635662/ if above not viewable https://gyazo.com/3e29a0ba00095714189211f6f9249a5c (imagine white maybe soft blues or yellow instead of black) Animations Summons a rain cloud over the battle. She becomes water like so he battler would go transparent blue, or she chants with water swirling around her. Water Ball as a projectile.

Minotaur Dar Noruth by GiantHurtBall

A minotaur with an axe covered in steel plating a defender of the Steam village known for its armoured steel knights. A kind being that only wants to defend his home. 

Animations Axe slam Chant Taunt 

Devious Bunny Lady Natalia SiGxGiS

Natalia grew up as a child of thiefs. Early in her life she learns that if there is something she wants she has to take it. Even if it results in violence. Her father teached her how to pickpocket and fight and from her mother she learned how to use her feminine charm to seduce men (and women) and how to read tarot cards. Appearance: Natalia is a bunny-human hybrid with a slender figure. She has a grey fur, white ears and blue eyes. She wears a grey shirt (which matches with her fur), a brown west and a black skirt. As her weapon she uses the familys weapon of choice: the kusarigama. 

Gunslinger Galen by Gary Clarke

Galen the Cunning Gunslinger, In the future an ex-mililty soldier trian in statle of the art weapons (leaser handguns, shotguns, and machine gun.) but have two leaser gun by his side waiting for actions. he has, an long brown trench coat, with blond hair, and have a patch over one his eyes. beneath his cocky, smart mouth, space cowboy ways, laid a soft heart, never an adventure too small for this gunslinger cowboy!!!!

Piece Knight by Clint Russell

Description 1): The creature is composed entirely of random body parts used in different ways to show the usual human shape- arms placed side by side up the torso so they look similar to ribs and their fingers interlock at the sternum or spine. It has heads/faces forming the rounded shoulders, an oversized right arm laying down on the ground and 2 left arms reaching up in front of it with wanting, it's head is multiple faces bubbling up from its shoulders with mouths agape and hollow eyes. Description 2): a mound of flesh with all manner of limbs sticking out of it making it feel like it was formed with no thought or reason put into it. Think of maybe a spider comprised entire of human parts. Eight human legs. Eight small human faces with eyes set in their open mouths sitting on a body made of a segmented torso. Or just a big ball of veiny and pulsing flesh. The animation options here have a lot of potential with multi-handed grab attacks, fleshy cartwheels, trample attacks, or a repel attack that leaves the screen and pounces on the party.

Branchiosaur by Alexander McManaway

A giant sauropod (long-necked) dinosaur type enemy. Map sprite/battler should be *huge* to give an impression of it's overwhelming size/strength. Suitable for use as a boss/mini-boss/really hardcore encounter. Extra spikes, armor, etc., could also be added, at your discretion.

In Final Fantasy VI, there was a relatively rare late-game encounter called the Brachiosaur. It was a standard random encounter that would appear in a certain part of the game world without any special requirements or fanfare. It would then absolutely wreck your party unless you were fully prepared to face it, and that's kinda the feel I'm going for with this guy. Attacks can include a stomp, a tail-sweep, and possibly one or two casting animations (such as rearing up on it's hind legs, or raising it's neck/head as if to charge an attack) for late game spells/hardcore attacks. Nothing to fancy, as the Brachiosaur relies on sheer raw power, not fancy gimmicks to win.

Corrupted Teddy Bear Ura Get by GiantHurtBall

Stuff toyed that has been inhabited by a particular demon created by a failed experiment that Ogmios conducted to implant clones of himself into demons to control them. This demon has grown and corrupted the stuffed toy. He disguises himself as a regular teddy bear that consumes unguarded humans he, also fears Wukai and Yuu. Looking wise, he is a brown teddy bear, with black tentacles coming out of one arm and his back. Standing at five foot tall, his stuffing has turned into a moving sea of black with pink dots. Animations Tentacles swipe Dark claws Opens chest to reveal dark mass (chant)

Faceless Outlaw by Tiep

A faceless alien. Right arm looks like an octopus. Left arm has a lot of hole and very small (maybe a handcuff there). He wears prisoner's clothes.

Faceless Outlaw is an assassin, a freelancer in the universe . He attacks and kills his target with his right arm (octopus arm). He is quick and brutal in his combat skills. He is faceless so that there is no mouth, eyes or anything in his face. However there is a symbol "X" in the top center, which is glowing.



These are getting hard to vote for! There are so many good ones. QQ


Am I to late to add monster idea to the suggestion box? That's too bad haha


Only for august, but you can write up a suggestion at any point this month and it will go into the October 2020 poll!