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And thanks for your patience as always!

August was so active that it wrapped up at a lightning fast speed!

During August 2020 we saw the release of 20 Animated monsters and 16 Static ones!  A total of 36 new designs joining Librarium's roster!

20 animated monsters complete with front view map sprite was no trivial undertaking, which resulted in a bit of a delay in the remaining static content to wrap up the August 2020 update cycles, but I was not planning to break our release streak at all!

August was not just a month packed with content however! This month I also got around to updating our master library readily available here as a pinned topic, and also the gum-road and itch.io shops, reflecting the latest reward sets as well as bundle options sorted by yearly compilations, a format heavily requested in recent times!

August was also a month of fortifying our Dragon tier, which as you know, remains my personal mantra to increase the value offered by our existing dragon tier rather than introducing new pricier tiers! This fortification will be reflected in our upcoming August 2020 reward sets due on the 7th, which will feature the August 2020 and on-wards battlers implemented in a brand new MZ edition sample project! This sample project will also bundle the Visustella Dragonbones Union plugin, which as announced a week ago, would be exclusively available either as a standalone plugin for purchase through visustella's itch.io and for Librarium Dragon Tier supporters backing both update cycles (The latest version for the plugin will always ship with all Librarium MZ sample projects from this point onwards)  ! The MV sample project will remain as part of the rewards as well!

During September, and as promised,  please look forward to the gradual release of sixteen 4-direction map sprites matching the battlers found in the August Librarium Animated megapack!

Months like August would not be possible without your support so as do every month, I want to stay thank you!

 Better yet, I want to continue expressing that gratitude through more content created to the best of my ability!

On wards to another month packed with releases!



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