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Good night everyone!

As promised, today we have two huge announcements, one for our August 2020 Poll winners and another for an upcoming megapack this month, lets get to it!

Firstly, our August 2020 winners, thanks for suggesting & Voting!

Chosen base releases have an estimated delivery date listed right next to them!

First Update Cycle

  • Librarium Animated Slime Dragon Knight by Gregaur-X  8/15/20 
  •  Librarium Animated Corruption Originator Azathoth by Damian Castaway  8/19/20  
  • Librarium Statics  Female Magic Swordman I by Donald Hounnankan  8/17/20 
  • Librarium Statics Spiritual Beasts I by Prince Hounnankan  8/21/20  

Second Update Cycle

  • Librarium Animated Dancing fencer Dana by SiGxGiS  8/24/20   
  • Librarium Animated Kalka'il, The Breathless one by Charles W.  8/28/20    
  • Librarium Statics  Frost Bitten skeleton by Donald HOUNNANKAN  8/26/20    
  • Librarium Statics Battle Squirrels by Yorae Rasante   8/30/20

Looking forward to illustrating these entries!

As for our second announcement! In light of the upcoming RPG Maker MZ release  this month, I will be releasing an Animated Megapack on August 24th!

When deciding what kind of creatures the pack should feature, I came to the decision that as the focus of Librarium Animated releases for the past few years have been Boss tier creatures, this Megapack should focus on the regular mobs one typically encounters before facing the boss!  

Above you can preview some of the monsters it will feature, so you can get an idea of what kind of creatures you can expect to see!

4-direction map sprites for the creatures this pack will feature will be gradually released after the pack has debuted, though it will debut with front view map sprites for all the featured creatures as usual with all Librarium releases!

This pack will be available for everyone, however 4-direction map sprites , Animation Source files and PSDs for the creatures it will feature will remain exclusive to our patreon community! 

I hope you look forward to this mega pack as I am enjoying working on it!

Not all details are finalized, but you can get an idea of the general panorama for this upcoming megapack, if any changes to logistics are to be made, I will notify them here as usual!

Please stay tuned for a content packed August 2020! :D



EPIC! I am beyond pumped for this news!


Whoa, these are some danged good choices!


My charcter will be delivered on 08/24? this will be one of my best b-day presents this year^^ I like the hedgehog-gunner and love this adorable shroom-wizard.