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Let us begin the voting process for the August update cycles!


Undead Vampiric Ghoul By Hakan

This concept is a truly wild creature. Sharp claws, long and sharp teeth,a gray fur,a slightly curved spine.(like Jockey in Left 4 Dead)It would be nice to see some traces of his victims on his body with an angry and brutal facial expression. If this image is supported by roaring, biting and 2 Claw motions, I would be very pleased.All the best!

Psyche, Bringer of Joy and Guide of Souls by SiGxGiS

In many cultures the butterfly is associated with luck and joy, some cultures even see butterflys as a result of dreams or that they are wandering souls.

Psyche has the appearance of a giant butterfly with beautiful colored wings. While flying her wings are spreading mystical sparkling powder which are said to bring happiness and luck. Her giant wings can create tornados and with the mouth it can extract the bad dreams and emotions of its victim.

Mountain Peacock update by SiGxGiS

Updated version of the Mountain Peacock released way back in 2017.

Animated updated to wildcard grunt battler by Michael Posada

I would like to see more Dragonbones "basic" enemies, like a skeleton, goblin, or spirit. Perhaps taking some existing "grunt battlers" and giving them an animated treatment?

Cyran of the Lost Sands by John Bechard

Cyran is the last remaining survivor of the Lost Sands tribe. He was the most mighty warrior from the tribe, and, as such, wears armor adorned with markings of his tribe and golden markings for each of the enemies he has bested on the battlefield.

MadDoctor Inspired Battler by SiGxGiS

Animated version of the RPG Maker static enemy “SF_MadDoctor”.

Gigandeath Volcanica - Tyrant of the Mountains by Damian Castaway

Like the previous Gigandeath, this one takes the basic shape of a spiked tyrannosaurus, except this one has tiny volcanic crags running along its back rather than spikes. Rather than the white albino tone of the Plains Gigandeath, Gigandeath Volcanica has hardened gray skin and yellow eyes rather than the red eyes of the plains version. Gigandeath Volcanica are a far more dangerous species of Gigandeath that live in volcanic and tropical regions and enjoy making their territory on volcanic mountains and other warm regions. Unlike the plains variation which eat meat exclusively, these massive beasts also consume ores in their diet which makes the crags on their backs harder. Due to this however they are also slower than their cousins so they tend to just attack livestock and adventurers since they can't catch fast prey which makes them a real problem 

Eleanor Royal Mage by sans69

Eleanor, is a powerful and fiery noble mage. She can use almost all elemental and combine them, her book is floating next to her, she also has the ability to use a magic sword to fight at close range when she is forced to

Slime Ninja by Gregaur-X

We already have 5 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Ninja use Kunai. He may be Grey . He can wear a Mask.

Slime Dragon Knight by Gregaur-X

We already have 6 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker - Hunter. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Dragon Knight use a Spear. He may be Purple. He can wear a Dragon Helmet. 

Corruption Originator Azathoth by Damian Castaway

Azathoth is a behemoth of an eldritch abomination; coming to us as a large kraken-esque monster sporting a massive gaping mouth with rows upon rows of sharp and jagged teeth. (Imagine the colour scheme of the inside of its mouth to be almost like an inferno). Along its head are red blotches which serves as eyes it uses to see whatever world it wishes to devour; which in this case is whatever fantasy world this thing happens to be coming towards. The creatures black body is covered in tentacles; each of which open to long red trenches covered in sharp, thorny spikes. Along these tentacles are also the same red spots that Azathoth uses to see. I imagine Azathoth having several physical attack animations using its tentacles; and also having a sort of "inhale" attack animation. For special attacks the res blotches on its head and tentacles could light up each time this behemoth casts a spell. I'd also imagine it would have an attack where it fires a giant eldritch beam from its mouth. Azathoth has been in another plane of existence, feeding off the world using the corruption it originated. With the help of it's faithful servant Nyarlahtotep to spread the corruption; the world as we know it will soon turn to dust unless it is defeated. 

Performer of chinese peking opera (huadan花旦) Qingrengui by 姜鸭

She wears a pink embroidered robe, the second layer sleeve is white and have some length .That pink robe it self looks like a Chinese QiPao but it is designed specifically for peking opera. She have her hair held up with silver decorations which resemble flowers, she wears white makeup on her face and pink eye shadow around her eyes. She is slim and have black hair when she attack she stab with her paper folding fan which shoot hidden needle in a certain direction.

Giant Serpent Snek by Damian Castaway

A large snake (For a sense of scale there could be just the head created to give it a larger than life scope, like its so big it cant fit on screen) who uses paralysis based attacks using its eyes (theyll flash different colours based on different skills such as yellow for petrification, red for any fire based spells, etc) and it would have a few bite based attacks. It would have incredibly thick skin and some small horns protruding from above the eyes.

Berserker Slime by Gregaur-X

We already have 5 Slime classes : Basic – Healer – Caster – Defender – Attacker. Let’s complete this list of classic classes with the Hunter. The Berserker use two Axes, of course. He may be Red (maybe dark Red). He can wear some barbaric stuff too.

Shield Knightess Bridomart by Anonfox93

A giant heavily armored woman wielding tower shields as her weapon(s). Completely covered in armor with exception of her head revealing the pale freckled face with red hair going down to her shoulders.

Sir Gawain, Arthurian Knight of Humility by SenG

Gawain is a humble man. His armor looks like the other members of the Round Table and his helm sparkles in the sunlight. Yet despite his appearance, Gawain is second only to Lancelot in terms of fighting ability. Gawain wields two weapons: a large battle-axe that he wields in his left hand and a smaller sword in his right. His fighting style can be customized for each opponent. For larger enemies, Gawain uses his axe and shocking strength, but for smaller humans, he demonstrates extreme agility with his sword. What would be fun about Gawain is being able to customize perhaps either a multi-stage battle of a recurring boss. A tough boss that on the surface truly seems to be friendly, his enemies know his danger. The only thing they fear more is to hear Lancelot’s boots hitting the ground or Arthur’s cape blowing in the breeze. The third most powerful man in the league of Arthurian Warriors.

Holy knight Arthur by Sans69

Arthur is a brave and virtuous man. He is the king members of the Round Table and his helm sparkles in the sunlight. Arthur doesn't only use excalibur as weapon: he is also able to use the holy spear Rhongomyniad and is able to holy magic.

Drekth The Goblin Beast Master

A master at taming beasts, is similar in design to the goblin champion but rides a wyvern and is able to use fire magic his weapon of choice is a whip.

Savage Bear Gladiator Polarus by Damian Castaway

A warrior of the cold-lands akin to Ravus, but from a warring tribe who competes for the colder territories of the worlds. Polarus is slightly different in build from Ravus as he is more slender and his back is in an upright posture. He wields a two-handed Greatsword made of Ice so thick that no furnace could melt it, and having great pride in his skills as a gladiator, he relies on no armor but his tough skin to support him in battle. He does however equip his Lucky Helmet which was his fathers and has been ceremonially worn to many challenges in the arena. The Helmet is silver, with spikes jetting down the center from the forehead to the neck like a mowhawk. Polarus' Left eye is scarred over and he has a steel jaw allowing him to break the limbs of his foes with his already deadly bite!

Darkness Dragon Yrogerg by Gregaur-X

Yrogerg is the Dragon of darkness and shadow. He is the opposite of Luxio the dragon of Light. While Luxo use a white and elegant sword, Yrogerg has a huge broken one. While Luxo can stand on his 2 legs with a thin body, Yrogerg has to use his 3rd legs to support his fat body. While Luxo has two beautiful wings. Yrogerg has fleshless ones. And while Luxo is white cover by gold. Yrogerg is black with purple details.  

Thunder Dragon Tcharg by Gregaur-X

Elemental Dragon V - Thunder 5th step into the element dragon universe: Tcharg is the Dragon of skies and thunder. He is yellow. He has 2 heads, postive and negative. His back is cover by lightning rod he can charge to create a devasting attack.

Alpha Feral Hunter by Gregaur-X

Alpha if you vote for the pack, you want to see its leader! The Alpha Ferra Hunter! Of course it’s a bigger Ferral Hunter. He also has glands to project poison. One of his two blades is bigger, the second is broken. He may have some scar on his body due to the conflicts he had to gain his place. His tail also has a blade. He is older than the other hunter and may be a less white than the younger.

Sun Priestess by Harleshay

An animated expansion of your Sun Priestess figure (Librarium Bonus #906 posted May 9 2019), including animation of the staff and shield she bears. She is adept at light and barrier arts, and with one word can protect herself or others from harm. However her magic doesn't last forever. If a force is strong enough to break her barriers, then she is forced to use only her shield as protection. She is very strong-willed, and guards her post and what she treasures to the bitter end, even at the expense, or even destruction, of the world around her. Her word is her vow. Attacks: She can attack by using light magic through her staff. She can attack either one character or multiple characters at a time. Her attacks can consist of lowering attributes (like defense, attack, light resistance, etc), wiping away positive buffs from a character (or characters), or inflicting light-based damage. Defense: She can defend by either using her shield or conjuring a barrier around herself (or possibly others who may be fighting with her).

Black Soul Knight by Donald Hounnankan

It is the spirit form of a black knight that sworn loyalty to protect a kingdom. It wear a full set of a heavy black armor (Helmet that cover all the head and face + armor+ boot + a white large worn fabric at the hips over the armor), he use a heavy sword with runic inscriptions on it as a one hand weapon. He have the possibility to summon simple knight due to the skill leadership. He can evolve and become a black soul knight that can use 2 heavy sword or one sword and a light shield.

Legendary Knight Croix by Fyoha

In strategic warfare, all courses of action must be considered with efficiency in mind. A skillful leader can subdue the enemy's troops without any fighting; can capture important cities without laying siege to them; can overthrow mighty kingdoms without lengthy operations in the field. To thwart the enemy's plans and to lead them into a blunder through manipulation and deception is best carried out by agents such as the mysterious, legendary knight known as Croix - An astute tactician and a master of swordplay in her own right. She is seemingly humble in character, yet hides her crafty nature and true strengths from the world like a hidden dragon among common society while avoiding glory, fame, and renown for her deeds at all costs. Croix's role specializes in carrying out strategies that involve infiltration, setting up spy networks within the enemy ranks, spreading rumors, and gaining the trust of key figures in order to carry out plots of intrigue (ex. assassination, sabotage) when diplomacy and martial scenarios are foreseen to be a standstill for her allies. If you can manage to beat her at her own game before she weakens your kingdom from within, then you shall earn her respect and the worthy honor of witnessing the unsheathing of her blade... But be prepared, as it may be the last thing you will see! (Thought I'd take a shot at throwing in some lore ideas for a legendary knight since some here have already made some cool and interesting ones! I fully 100% support this archetype and would love to see the rest of the LK crew eventually break their static molds into animated ones :D) 



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