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We continue the release streak with Conglomerate Lord Of Depths, as suggested by  Yorae Rasante !

 There are few places keeping more secrets of ancient times than the abysses inside the ocean. There it is survival of the fittest, and few are fittest than this creature. While in ancient times it was just a normal man o' war, an agglomeration of thousands of small organisms, time allowed it to evolve. While it at first changed slightly just to survive, time allowed the organisms to evolve into the equivalent of brain cells in a single organism. As time passed, it learned, and created, and learned the secrets of the world itself, including its magic. Nowadays, it is one of the most powerful beings in the world, be it mentally or magically, but also physically, its tendrils quick and sharp on its whip-like attacks, which can be reinforced with electricity, its body soft and resistant to bludgeoning damage, and since it is not a single organism even a small part keeps the building blocks and the memories, even heavy damaged it can escape quickly and recover. It lived for long, and if it depends on intelligence and tenacity, it will live for much more. 

This was a really interesting creature to work on! Man o' wars are fascinating creatures which I wasn't truly familiar with, I learned a lot while researching to illustrate this creature!

you can preview its animation work in the reel below!


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I found a new recipe!


Gyazo.com link goes to Elirabeth's animations instead of the Lord of the Depths'


hi how do we find 4 direction sprites for the map? thank you


Hello! I'll message you explaining for 4-direction map sprites are delivered!


hi how do we find 4 direction sprites for the map? thank you