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Good night!

It is Friday, thus following our schedule for the month, its time to release Eldritch Corruption VII as suggested by Charles W.

 Jungle beasts warped from eldritch power 
Eldritch Gorilla: These proud strong beasts try to fight off the corruption but in the end they too are taken. Their already large muscle mass is increased even more making them several feet taller than man. The eldritch flesh forms two smaller but still strong arms underneath its existing arms. Its claws enhanced with a bit of bone poking through the fingertips. The eldritch flesh coils into armor for its chest and warps its large fangs to be serated in spots. Whats more their jaws now unhinge beyond what is expected increasing their biting strength. There is no question of who are the kings of the jungle!
 Eldritch Anaconda: Even submerged hiding in the waters of the rainforest the corruption captures all. These already large snakes have grown even larger some reaching a length of 50 feet! Their head sports two vertical lines of eyes 3 on each side, all glowing a dark purple. Their tongue now splits 8 times instead of once making their tongue a dangerous whip. Even more disconcerting is that their face can split into 6 even sections each with its own large fang. The once beautiful green scales now have become darker with splashes of black and purple. Upon closer inspection there are sections of the scales where fleshy hands are protruding likely used for suddenly increasing speed or capturing foes once entagled. Beware this foe in the murky waters below.
 Eldritch Toucan: once beautiful, vibrant, and talkative they now spell disaster and death for those that find them. They have become bulkier but atill small now sporting three beaks instead of one, two made of twisting corruption. Each beak shows gradient hues of dark red and purple with hints of blue. Their face distorted now has a singular large red eye in the middle of its face above the center beak. Aligned above the other two beaks are two vertical red eyes that together form a red X of eyes. Their mimicry now consists of its foes friends and allies to lure people out. Once it locks in on its target all three beaks emit a horrific screech alerting all of the jungles predators. Whats worse is once a corrupted toucan screeches others will fly over to join in if they do not already have prey. Beware the screeches from the jungle tops! 

A very distinctive suggestion and one very fun to materialize! Hope you will enjoy the visual output for these creatures, I spent quite some time making sure the designs had the right balance of horrid, intimidating and strong!

Did you like this release? Let me know!

Download it today!

In short  I will be answering several private messages and this Saturday will be spent doing some maintenance activities such as uploading releases to gumroad, finalizing bundles and the like! Stay tuned for Pandora's release this sunday as scheduled as well!


For some reason the attachment is not loading up, I am fixing this atm!

Edit 2:

All fixed and up now!




These look amazing! Awesome job as always!


I love these. The whole series of these types of enemies are very amazing. Though frankly, I've been internally struggling with how to use them. XD Mostly because I don't make games that go as dark as I perceive they need to be to use them. I still am lovingly collecting them like Pokemon though. Maybe I'll give them their own special game in the future.


I'm glad to hear you like these! I've been struggling to make sure I come up with fun unique sets each time. Im currently devising some Australian themed corruptions. I get they can be a bit hard to add to a game but will be fun. Im looking forward to seeing these in anyone's games!


Really nice job! Any chance for sci fi stuff in future? I'm a bit tired of making fantasy rpgs


Hiya Xedrik! Feel free to drop suggestions for them over at our suggestion box at any time!


That wasn't my question. :P I never force someone what to do. You are the creative person here - just do your best. I like your art!