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Today we will see tow Librarium Animated releases, the first one being Ice Demon Aura as suggested by GiantHurtBall!

 Aura has a cold heart with a dislike for humans. She was blamed for her love one passing away, hunted by the humans she once called a friend. She now lives in exile somewhere Phelmore awaiting death but that may all change should she join your party. A snow woman based loosely on the Japanese yokai. She wears white ceremonial clothes with blue patterns and moons on it, and various jewellery on her clothes and person.

Ice Demon Aura was a very fun release to work on and hopefully her animation reel will reflect that!

Aura is a mage type character as her animation reel suggests, but her animation have been tailored to also double as physical attacks, should your boss design call for that need!

All in all did you like this release? Let me know!

Download it today!

 Shiante, Devourer of Souls will be releasing later today, stay tuned! 
