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Good morning!

My pen replacement still hasnt arrived, but I will somehow find a way to keep up progress with the damaged one!

We start off this wednesday with the preview for Corrupted God Nyarlathotep as suggested by Damian Castaway!

 Nyarlathotep takes the form of a pale humanoid man with slicked back white hair (He has bangs that come down over his forehead like Superman though), red eyes, wears golden half-rimmed glasses and dawns the white robes of a priest. In front of him is a levitating book which has a purple glow; and a golden eye on its cover. From his back sprout six jagged tentacles (3 on his left and 3 on his right) each with a different weapon at its end (A Bow, A spear, A Sword, An Axe, A staff and the last one is just a hand with sharpened claws at the tips of its fingers). He physically attacks using each of his tendrills, uses his book to cast spells; and can summon tentacles to perform slam attacks on the party. I very much like the idea of a corrupted god disguising himself as a holy priest to gain the trust of a people and lead them down the path to corruption; which could be a large method in how the corrupted army has spread. 

Certainly a very challenging and interesting suggestion that will be faithfully brought to life through the rest of the week! 

One slight change to keep up with the rest of the Eldritch Librarium creatures, are the tentacles which instead of holding weapons, form the weapons themselves with bone and flesh!

As expected each of this tentacles will have an attack motion associated to them, so we are looking at a lot of potential motions and pending work with this battler!

Stay tuned for more updates!



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