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And should be waiting for you over at your private message inbox!

Thanks for an amazing run during March 2020!

With these reward sets delivered, we now have a clear path to close our April 2020 polls and get started with work and releases for these cycles!

Before closing off this post and the March period however, I would like to announce  a new version of the Librarium Sample Project has been made available!

 For a while now I've wanted the sample project to be a more interesting experience, but with all the illustration, animation and pixel art tasks behind Librarium, I decided to comission and entrust this task to the talented game designer/developer and fellow patron SwiftIllusion

Lets hear from Swift what is going on with the new version of the sample project!

First I'd like to hope you all enjoy this update to the Sample Project,
that will have battles designed for the new animated battlers each month.

A few points I had in mind when designing it-
- Make it quick to engage with and return to each new release
- Compress the mechanics to reduce the learning curve and 'minimum playtime'
- Try design Bosses as much as possible from its patreon suggestion description

Here's a 3min edited preview video summarizing/showing the end result-

I'm happy with the result as I feel it managed to hit what I was aiming for.
Without being exhaustive, a couple small examples regarding that third point-
- Quo'lot, The Slime Dragon
"In some places like the claws and skull the bones sit on top of the slime but harden with a thick layer of chitinous armor."
When it 'Recharges' it gains state 'Chitinous', reducing next dmg taken to 0.
- Mystical Alchemist Kalmulon
"until one day he discovered that he can manipulate the pure elements around him. With his craftmanship he created a gun which can weaponize this elements."
He uses his gun to shoot/apply elements on the party members, and when
2 different ones are applied they transform into states that affect you.

A few notes given the nature of the various battlers that can be animated,
they are balanced to work as pairs, and then together in the final vs 4.
So it may go without saying,
but don't worry about an alchemist being as strong as a dragon xD;

I hope this will all further your anticipation for each new release,
in addition to seeing Ækashics awesome realizations visually of your concepts.

If you'd like below is a video talking through a battle of the game,
that may help provide some more insight into possible game strategy/tactics.
And though it may not be easily to follow before playing it yourself,
here is a quick pure gameplay of a C then B rank Final Challenge.
This gives you an idea of how it plays after gaining experience with it.


Thank you Swift!

 Do check out the new sample project, which has been delivered with the March set of rewards and will continue to be updated in that format for upcoming reward sets, and remember it also remains as the source for the preconfigured Librarium Animated battlers, now with more intricate Action sequences!

Lets dive into April 2020!

I received a lot of private messages during the past 2 days, apologies for the radio silence, was under lockdown mode as I continued to polish and create our reward set contents, I will now proceed to answer those messages!

Thank you!



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